Writer's Message

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Hi, this is Common_Interest, and this is my collection of poems: No One Gives a Damn.

My poems most of the time are meant to explain concepts, and it is from those concepts I hope you feel something from them. Some of these include the concept that the "body" and "soul" is an overused philosophy, or that as suicide becomes so wrong in the eyes of society, society does whatever it takes to make you stay alive, forcing you to be alive (with what they think is best for you), resulting in life transforming into a permanent purgatory. My poems do include a mini-series (I don't know what else to call it) titled "Dear You".

I sincerely hope you find my poems interesting, just as any other writer do, as any other creator does. Thus, please vote for the poems you found interesting. This really helps me understand what people like and what needs improvement. Well, enough said.

Here are some feelings and thoughts no one gives a damn about.

No one Gives a DamnWhere stories live. Discover now