shattered hearts || tenga x reader x katsuhira (angst)

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You clenched your fists together and stared at the ground as your friends stood and fought with each other. You had never imagined that something like intimate feelings would be the catalyst that would tear apart what you all had built over the summer. It was extremely unfair that your feelings were forced to the surface and you had your heart broken all for the stupid Kizna system. But what could you do about it?

"Stop! Everybody just shut up for two goddamn seconds!" you yelled, tears beginning to cloud your vision as you faced your friends. "Why does it have to be like this?"

"Why does Tenga not love me? Am I not enough?"

Those pained words that echoed from your heart were shocking enough to cause everyone to turn and face you. Katsuhira felt a surge of sadness and disappointment at your sudden confession. He had always harbored feelings for you, and now you had confessed your love to someone else. For a boy that could feel little to no pain, he was certainly feeling something snap in him, and it seriously hurt.

Your eyes widened for a moment, and soon a sad smile graced your tear-stricken features.
"So the cat's out of the bag, huh?" you chuckled. After a brief pause, Tenga captured your gaze. "Shit, I didn't want you to find out like this. My makeup's a mess, my clothes are all dirty, and my voice keeps cracking. I must look pathetic."

Tenga opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped himself and looked down. As his head lowered, your heart shattered. You knew then that he would never return your feelings. You felt like a complete fool.

"[y/n]," came a voice from behind you. "I don't think you look pathetic. Not at all." It was Katsuhira. He looked up at you with empathetic eyes as he placed a hand on your shoulder. "I think you look beautiful, no matter what. I always have [y/n]." He figured it was better to confess to you straight out than to have his heart blurt out what he'd feeling for so long.

"Katsu..hira..." a sob racked through your body as you rapidly tried to think of something to say to the boy. "I... I..." Suddenly, you fell to your knees with your hands over your face and began to cry. Yes, you felt like a weak loser, but you couldn't help the way you were feeling. Katsuhira knelt down and gently rubbed your back.

"I'm here for you, [y/n]. I always have been." he whispered.

"B-but Katsuhira..." you began. "I don't feel the same way. I've always thought of you as a very close f-friend who would always support me no matter what, but I've never had romantic thoughts about you." At your depressing words, he hung his head low and began to stand, but you grabbed his shirt sleeve. "I don't want to break your heart, Katsuhira! I really don't! I still want to be your friend and be by your side, but can't ever r-reciprocate your feelings. I'm so, so sorry..."

A tear dripped down Katsuhira's pale cheek as he sensed the sincerity in your feeble voice. The boy wanted nothing more than for you to be happy and loved, and it hurt him immensely to see you on the ground in that vulnerable position, sobbing. He knelt down once more and pulled you into the tightest hug you had ever received from him. Tenga watched from afar, feeling unbelievably guilty at the pain he made you feel.

As Katsuhira held you, you couldn't help but muster up a weak smile.

"I can't love you in the same way, but please, Katsuhira, never let me go."


Wow! My first ever request on Wattpad has been completed! I'm sorry if it isn't exactly what you had in mind, and I'm sorry it is kind of on the short side, but I actually am pretty proud of this! I'm not exactly confident in my writing so it feels strange to be posting this for everyone to see, but I can't wait for some feedback.

Just remember, you can request more than one drabble from me. I actually encourage that, to be honest. I like writing for you guys! ('')*:・゚ Be seeing ya!

requested by the lovely shiinxa

[Oneshots] Kiznaiver x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum