fairy tale endings || katsuhira x reader (fluff)

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Yamada-sensei's class was hands down your least favorite class of the day. The lazy green-haired teacher annoyed you to no end and you absolutely dreaded entering his classroom. However, there was one huge plus to attending his class.

Katsuhira Agata.

You had a gigantic crush on the apathetic boy, and it was painfully obvious to everyone around you. It was hard for you to refrain from staring at him because you just found everything about him to be so  perfect.

His fluffy white hair. Sigh~

His adorable, droopy grey eyes. Double sigh~

His enchanting, yet extremely rare smile that could make even the gloomiest of days seem sunny and bright. Boy, were you in deep for this boy.

One day in class, as Yamada-sensei was droning on, you found yourself daydreaming about Katsuhira - as per usual, and a small smile formed on your face without you even knowing it. You shut your eyes and exhaled contentedly as you thought about the white-haired boy who sat near you.

Class continued normally for a while, but then you suddenly felt the urge to look at Katsuhira. The feeling just came over you and you wanted nothing more than to imagine running your fingers through his soft, white hair. You quickly stole a glance at the clock, which read 1:45. With a small sigh, you removed your gaze from the clock and settled it on the back of Katsuhira's adorable head.

At that moment, Katsuhira also felt the strange urge to look at you. He found you very cute and charming and had actually started to develop some feelings towards you over the school year. So, he turned his head ever so slightly, and his grey eyes met your [e/c] ones. Your eyes widened as you both stared at each other, and then came the ever-familiar surge of embarrassment. Your face heated up, and you were sure you looked like the long-lost sister of a ripe tomato. Katsuhira had a light shade of red dusting his cheeks. You quickly looked down at your desk, your mind racing.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Ahhhh!!" you screamed internally. "We made eye contact for longer than five seconds!!"  You were positively elated that he looked at you of his own free will, but also super embarrassed that he caught you staring like that. Mid-fangirl, you felt something lightly hit your foot and you leaned down to retrieve a small wad of paper. As you straightened up, from the corner of your eyeyou caught a glimpse of Katsuhira watching you, which only made you freak out even more.

You unfolded the wad, making sure it made no loud crinkling noises, and saw the perfect handwriting of Katsuhira, which made you smile. Shaking yourself out of your stupor, you began to focus on the words in front of you:

"[y/n]-san. I noticed you staring at me. It's okay though, because I am guilty of the same thing. Please, let's talk after class. -Katsuhira"

A stronger surge of heat rushed to your cheeks as you reread the note over and over and over. This was way too good to be true, right? In what real-world situation does your crush ask to talk to you after class in such a dramatic, romantic movie-esque way?!

After a few more unbearable minutes of chemistry class the bell rung, making you jump. Your friend walked up behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"You OK, [y/n]-chan? You seem... jumpy." they asked, concern lacing their words.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I'll tell you all about it later. I've, uh, got to do something. See ya in a bit!" you sputtered as you hurriedly scooped up your belongings and raced out of the classroom. You took some deep breaths as you walked down the hall, finally spotting Katushira and walking over to him.

"Hello, [y/n]-san." he said, his usual emotionless expression plastered on his face.

"Hey there, Katsuhira-kun." you began, donning a (fake) confident smile. You were nervous, but giddy at the same exact time. "Uh, listen, I-"

"It's OK. I know you like me, [y/n]-chan. You don't have to go through the whole ordeal of confessing to me." he cut you off, staring at you intensely, which made you even more nervous.

"O-oh. I'm terribly sorry I put you in this awkward situation, it's just that-" you said all in one breath, trying your hardest to keep him from being able to turn you down, but he cut you off anyway.

"And I also like you." he stated simply, a light pink tint adorning his fair cheeks and ears. Your jaw literally dropped. Had you heard him right?  He actually liked you back??

"O-oh, wow! That's amazing! Because I was so worried that you were gonna reject me and I was gonna be totally humiliated and have to transfer schools and change my name and-"

And then in an instant, his soft lips were pressed against yours, and your rant was cut short by pure bliss. You swore that you were the protagonist of a romantic movie at this point.

After a moment of surprise, you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him back. His lips tasted like sugar and absolute heaven. He gently pulled back and looked into your [e/c] eyes, that breathtaking smile appearing on his face. An enthusiastic smile immediately lit up your features as your gazed at him dreamily and cooed:

"That was a really nice way of telling me to shut up~"


I think we can all agree that Katsuhira is the biggest cutie pie ever, hands-down. This was so fun to write, and reader-chan is a serious babe here. What a fairy tale ending, am I right?

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it~

Your requests are slowly but surely being completed, but I am always happy to get more, so just remember that! *wink wink* Love you all, and have a nice day~! ◟(◔ั₀◔ั )◞ ༘♡

requested by the perfect  @DesertButterfly

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