guardian angel || tenga x antisocial!reader

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"What a gloomy day out."  you thought as you gazed out the window and heaved your school bag over your shoulder. "I love it. Rainy weather is the best weather."

You got up out of your seat and walked into the school hallway to head home. You passed multiple people, all chatting with their friends and you sighed. You totally wished you could have a close group of friends, but it was so hard for you to talk to people. Whenever someone tried to start up a conversation, your mind would go blank and you would get extremely flustered. It was annoying.

A group of girls giggled at you as you trudged past them, so you slowed your pace to hear what they were talking about.

"What a freak. How come she has no friends?" one scoffed.

"I don't know. She never talks to anyone." another added.

"She just sits there with that blank expression and stares out the window. Who would want to talk to her anyways?" With that, they all began to giggle again. You shook your head as you quickened your pace back to normal.

You soon got to the front doors of the school, and then a thought hit you. Your umbrella. You left it on your counter and it was raining cats and dogs outside. Great. Just your luck. With a defeated sigh, you made sure your bag was fully closed so your belongings wouldn't get drenched, and pushed open the large glass doors. After a couple minutes, you were soaked to the bone and absolutely miserable. But little did you know, your day was about to get a lot more interesting.

The rain was starting to let up a bit, so you smiled and began to hum your favorite song. You were still drenched, but you were determined to try and make the best of the situation. Suddenly, you heard chuckling behind you and then you were face down in a puddle of rainwater. You gasped and frantically checked to make sure your laptop and phone were safe.

"What a loser! She's more concerned about her stupid phone than herself!" a girl behind you laughed. You figured it was one of those girls from earlier. With a confused look, you turned and saw the three girls and one boy with them. The girls were laughing, and the boy stood above you, smirking maliciously.

"What's wrong, [y/n]? Can't fight back?" the boy sneered, hands on his hips.

Everyone was shocked to see a bag come flying at the boy's face, knocking him on his ass. The girls gasped as a loud voice came from across the street. "Oi?! What the hell so you think you're doin' over there, dumbass?"

You recognized that voice. It was none other than the Mad Dog himself, Tenga Hajime.

He bounded across the street and picked up the (now bruised) kid by his collar. "You think it's funny to beat up on girls like that? What did she ever to ta you that was so bad you had to shove her down like that? Huh?" They boy was frozen in fear and couldn't answer, so Tenga harshly threw him back on the sidewalk and turned to the three obnoxious girls. "And what the hell are you still here for?! You told this jackass to do this to her, yeah?" he snarled, motioning to you with a quick gesture.

"U-uh, yeah. We did. So what?" one girl shot back, obviously trying to act tough.

"You better get out of here right now, or there'll be hell to pay." he said, his voice dangerously low. They stood still for a moment in resistance, and Tenga glared at them. "What are you waiting for?! GET TH' HELL OUTTA HERE!" His sudden outburst knocked some sense into them, and they all began to run away.

Tenga scoffed, and then turned to face you. You were all wet and muddy and looked positively miserable, and seeing you in that state made him take a deep breath and calm down a bit.

"You alright?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow. You nodded and stood up, brushing off your skirt impulsively and perching your bag on your shoulder.

"Why did you step in? I'm not worth all that trouble, y'know." you asked, looking at him with a curious glint in your [e/c] eyes.

"Not worth all that trouble? What the hell are you talking about? You don't deserve to be treated like that just cause ya don't talk much. Plus assholes like that get my blood boiling." he answered, clicking his tongue with a 'tch' sound.

"Well, thanks... I guess. It's like your my guardian angel or something." you mumbled, looking down at your feet. You had never talked to the pink-haired boy before, but you had always been interested in him. His take-no-shit demeanor and his unique looks had attracted you to him. And now here you were - soaked to the bone, messy and looking like a pathetic loser in front of him. Someone up there must really have it out for you.

"Tch, wasn't a problem. Couldn't let those damn jackasses beat up on a cute girl like you." he said, immediately regretting that last part. A blush rose to his cheeks and he looked away quickly. Your face heated up too upon hearing him call you cute. No one had ever done that before, and it made you feel happy, so you mustered up a small smile. Tenga turned and saw your radiant smile and his breath was taken away at your beauty.

"H-hey [y/n]?" he mentally cursed himself for stuttering, but he sucked it up and looked at you seriously.

"Yeah, Tenga-kun?" Your blush was still prominent on your face as your gaze met his, and you felt your smile grow a little wider.

"You frown so much, so it's nice seein' ya smile. It.. really suits you. You should do it more." he said sincerely, rubbing the back of his neck.

You chuckled a bit and touched his arm gently. "Thanks, Tenga-kun."

He straightened up a bit, regaining his composure as he smiled at you and began to walk away. "Mhm. See ya around then, [y/n]." He felt himself falling for you, and the thought of it made him chuckle.

"Yeah, I'll see you around too." you said as you began to walk in the other direction, your smile still as wide as ever.

"Hopefully very, very soon."


Wooooooo! Another drabble - completed! This one was fun to write, mainly because I love Tenga so much. He's a super fun character! This dork boy has fallen head over heels in love with you, so be happy about that! Haha. .゚☆(ノё∀ё)ノ☆゚.

Don't hesitate to request something from me. I really enjoy writing these drabbles and making you guys happy. I'll see ya soon, and in the meantime, stay beautiful~!

requested by the wonderful SolluxFuckingCaptor !! thanks for the request

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