Chapter 3 : Sand Box Buddies Are For Life

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I hopped in the passenger seat and put my belt. Freddie started the car and headed down town.

"I still don't understand why it took you the whole summer to see him" Freddie broke the ice "I mean aren't best friends ?"
"Yes we are but you know I was in no condition to see anyone Fred" I stated.
"Yeah yeah I know" He made a turn"I was really happy when you finished your plate today. I remember the weeks you spent without eating,we couldn't eve get you to drink a sip of water"

Is there a point he's getting to eventually.

"All I'm saying is I see you're getting back to the way you were before the whole thing happened"

Well when your parents die you don't exactly feel like eating,drinking .. Or living.

Freddie understood my silence and decided the change the subject.
"He's gonna be really happy to see you. You're all he talks about"

I smiled.

He took the last turn to his shop.

After parking. I followed him inside.
I desperately needed my car fixed cause I can't rely on Layla nor Freddie to drive me all the time and there's a bonus of seeing Harvey.

Before my parents moved to the city,when I was about 5 years old,Harvey and I used to be best friends. And it's always hard for me to say goodbye to him when we come to visit my aunt.
But now since I'm staying for good or at least until college Harvey and I won't have to wait until Christmas to see each other or spent hours on skype to keep each other updated about everything.

I spotted him by the register box
"Harvey barfy !" I shouted
It's this nickname I gave him when we were kids . The first time I met him was in park. When he sat in the sand box with me I smiled and said Hi but he barfed at my face and that's how the name started and it got stuck with me.

He ran up to me and hugged me so tight I couldn't breath.

"Austin !" He said in chirping voice .. He's always like that. Happy. Nothing seemed to make him said "I've missed you so much "
"I've missed you too" I hugged him back "How are you? it feels like it's been forever since the last time I saw you"
"We have time to talk about that" we broke the hug but still had our goofy smiles on.
"Know what ? Let's take your car and go somewhere. I'm taking my lunch break early" He suggested.
"Alright !" I clapped my hands in agreement.

They replaced the old swings in park but other than that it still looks the same.
We were sitting on a bench sharing a sandwich. Enjoying each other's company. When I broke the silence.
"Look Harvey I'm sorry for not calling you or seeing you when I've been in town the whole summer. You see with everything going on I didn't feel like talking to anyone. Heck I didn't leave the bed"
"I understand A. As long as Layla and Freddie told me you were fine,it was okay. I knew you needed some time alone" He said in a genuine caring tone while holding my free hand.

This is why I love Harvey. He's the most caring and loving human being on this earth. He has a heart of gold.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I'm guessing he saw the tears I'm trying to keep from falling.


"Come" He took my hand and we walked to the sand box.

Empty as usual.

We sat there. I rested my head on his chest. He hugged me and said "This is your safe place. Remember that"

I kept on crying and he kept on soothing me.
We talked for hours and hours. He got couple calls from the shop but he ignored them.
We stayed that way until it started to get dark. So I drove him home and then headed to mine.

After dinner I had a relaxing bath. Took my pills and went to sleep.

I'm starting school tomorrow at White-River High School.


Sooooo is this good enough ? I feel like I'm staling !!
tell me what you think
Vote and comment pretty plz
Xo -T

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