MyStreet •1•

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First Meetings

Your POV in all of these

You moved into Mystreet pretty recently but forgot to tell your cousin about it. So she invited you over to help you move in, she didn't know you already did though.
I was walking down Mystreet sidewalk to find my cousin, Aphmau. I see her address and ring the doorbell. In a matter of seconds, the door flew wide open, almost hitting my face in the process, to reveal my cousin.

"Y/N! It's so good to see you again!" she exclaimed as I was trapped in another one of her bear hugs.

"... Aphmau... Can't... Breathe..."

"Oh my Irene! I'm so sorry!" and with that said, she let go.

"Come on in and let me introduce you to my roomates," then my right arm was pulled inside of the purple house.

"Katelyn! Kawaii-Chan! Get your butts down here and meet my cousin!" she yelled, looking upstairs. Almost immediately, two girls came downstairs where Aph and I stood.

"This is Kateyln," she gestured to the sky-blue haired girl," and Kawaii-Chan," the one with soft pink hair.

"I'm Y/N, it's very nice to meet you two," I say with a smile.

"Kawaii-Chan and Katelyn-sama think so too! Aphmau-Senpai would non-stop talk about Y/N-chan moving nearby the past few months!" Kawaii-Chan stated. Oh wow, Aph must've really be excited about me moving in Mystreet.

"I actually already moved here a little while ago," I tell them, nervously rubbing my neck.

"And why didn't you tell me?!" Aphmau yelled, practically into my ears...

"Anyways, Aphmau, shouldn't you show Y/N 'round the area and show her some of our friends here?" said Katelyn while pointing at the door.

"Oh ya! Silly me, well, let's go see the guys first since they're the closest," and as before, she grabbed my arm and basically dragged me across the street.

Aphmau knocks on the door and a boy with white hair and emerald eyes was revealed behind the door steps.

"Hey Aphmau! Ooooo and whose this lovely lady~" he smirked, mainly looking at my body, just to stop when a blonde boy smacked his head.

"Sorry about him, miss uh-"

"Y/N. Thank you for saving my life, er-"

"Garroth," he answered and then smiled at me. Me being nice and all, gave him a smile too. Then throughout the day, Aphmau made me meet everyone else, including her boyfriend. It was a tiring day for me as there were like 50 million people in total. Once she dropped me off at my house, I locked the door and passed out onto the couch, not even bothering to change clothes.


I'm in my best friend's bed since I was kicked out of my parents house and forced to live with him. Of course, this a only temporary and we'll probably move in an actual house pretty soon, and ya, we are currently in an appartment. Anyhow, I hear a knock on the bedroom door, probably him. So I tell him to come in.

"Good morning Y/N," he yawned.

"Mornin' Aaron," I say back.

"Pack the rest your things cause we're going to move in a few hours," he told me.

"Hmmm, fine." I push myself off of the bed and fall face-first onto the floor. Yeah, I was a lazy person in the mornings, don't judge. I heard him sigh and walk out, most likely to pack everything else in boxes.

Various MS/MCD/Etc.. X ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя