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Hanging Out For A While


Your POV

Aphmau called me and said that she wanted me to talk more with a couple of her friends today. Which means that they are coming over at my place in a few hours. My house isn't too messy, so I just swept the floor and went back to my phone.

I hear a knocking on my door and see that it's just Aphmau, Garroth, and Laurence.

"Hi guys, come on in," I offered and they all calmly walked inside.

"Y/N, we should play some games like uh, Truth or Dare!" Aph suggested.

"No thanks, I've got a few board games in the closet and we're going to play those," as I tell her, her face begins to sadden.

"Eh, we'll play next time," I say reassuring her.

Laurence's POV
Y/N took out monopoly and we all started playing together. And it took is HOURS to finish the game, it was me who was the victor hehe. I sounded like Garroth for a second there...

"OMI Y/N! Remember that one time in high school your uniform got mixed up? You were using a boys uniform for all those years!" Aphmau said. You replied with,

"Oh ya, so many more girls confessed to me rather than boys. But hey, it was better than wearing those mini skirts, that's something we should all be thankful of."

"Now that you mention it, you were a very sportsy girl," Aphmau said while putting a hand on her chin and looking up.

"Y/N, were you the one with short H/C and E/C eyes?" Garroth asked her.

"Yup, I cut it super short so that my hair won't get in my face, I also wanted to look a little more masculine," she replied.

"O-oh I r-remember you, everyone said that you were gay though," Garroth... Stuttered? Does he like Y/N? If so, this would be really interesting....

"Well, ya. I had a few crushes on some guys," she said.

Garroth's POV
"Oooo, name them," Laurence says with a smirk appearing on his lips.

"Hmmm, the first one was Gene, but then I found out about the Shadow Knights gang he had, so I got over him quickly. Then, umm, I think the second was his brother Dante, he was a player though and I skipped him. The last one was probably you Laurence," and with her saying his name my chest started to ache a little.

"Oh really? What made you like me in the first place?" Laurence questions her as his grin gross rapidly.

"First off, you were really cute, loveable, and you helped a lot of people too," she stated.

"Do you still think that about me?" Laurence asked while scooting closer to her. Grrrrr it just makes my blood boil! But why do I feel like that about Y/N?

"Um, I guess so," and Y/N blushed a bit?!

"Would you ever consider dating me?" he asked.

Aphmau's POV
When Laurence asked that question, I saw that Garroth has a red face and began shaking a lot.

"Are you ok Garroth?" Y/N asked him.

"Y-yeah, it's nothing..."

Eeeeeeeek! I think Garroth has a crush on Y/N!

Your POV
Aphmau started squealing out of nowhere and kept looking at me and back at Garroth.

"Hey Aph, don't you think that it's kinda getting late? You guys should start going back home," I told them. Aphmau started looking sad and in seconds looked at me with eyes that light up the room.

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