Chapter 11

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"Quinn!" " Quinn wait I didn't mean it like that!" I yell at a slightly furious Quinn who is walking who knows where to. Ugh why do I have to be so stupid. Truth is I don't regret anything. Well okay maybe a regret not using protection or else we wouldn't be in the mess, but that's it. I did not regret having sex with Quinn. And now she's pissed at me, my mom has cancer, I'm going to be a father at 17. What else does the universe want to throw into my life right now! Anyways I finally catch up to Quinn. She's crying and is sitting on our bench next to the pond. The reason it is "our" bench is because...
It was sophomore year before all the baby drama started. School just started back up. Glee club had started. I thought my life was going pretty good. Then one day I went to the park just because....well I don't really know.... I find Quinn sitting on the bench crying.
"Quinn! Quinn what's wrong!"
"Nothing Finn I'm okay."
"No your not. Quinn look at me right at me."
She had some bruises and red blotches in her cheek.
"What the hell! Who did this to you!"
"Nobody Finn I fell."
"Don't you dare lie to me Quinn, I can see the faded handprint."
"Mydad!" Quinn mumbled very quickly so I couldn't understand what she was saying.
She took a deep breath and said clear as day,
"My father."

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