The Second and Third Videos

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Milo showed up in Dylan's room again, but this time he had Rosary with him. They were standing by Dylan's bed. "Come on. Let's watch another." Milo urged.

"I don't want to watch anymore of that." Dylan argued. Milo only smirked at him, before the duo left. Dylan walked downstairs to the cellar, feeling dizzy.

"Hi Emma." Dylan said and the girl walked over, holding a video. "Are you having the dreams?" She asked and another person walked out of the shadows.

"We all had the dreams." Ted said. "The movies make the dreams go away." Emma said.

"Once you watch them all, you'll never have a bad dream again." Milo said, as he and Rosary walked over. "For real?" Dylan asked eagerly.

"Swear." The taller boy said and Dylan turned to look at Rosary. "Really?" He asked her. "Its true." She whispered, before clinging to Milo's arm.

Emma handed him her movie and they set it up. Once it started, ethereal music began playing. They all sat on the ground watching it. It soon showed Emma's family being buried in the snow, then stopped.

"Let's watch another." Milo said, then he and Rosary started to remove the film. "No. I don't want to watch anymore movies." Dylan said.

"But you have to. You haven't watched the best ones yet." Milo argued as he stood up. "Besides you won't have anymore bad dreams tonight or tomorrow if you watch another." He added as the other walked over to him.

"Good night Milo." Dylan soon started to walk up the stairs. "Wait, Dylan!" He turned towards Rosary. "Please, just watch one more and we won't bother you with it for the rest of the night, I promise." She begged.

"Just one more?" He asked. "That's all." She agreed.

"Fine." She smiled and rushed to the chest, then pulled out a film. "This is mine." She said then, started to set it up. The music started and Dylan recognized it as the song she hummed yesterday.

The screen showed Rosary's family having fun outside. Once Rosary was shown, her parents started beating her. The scene changed and her parents were tied up to a tree together, on what looked like a stage. The two woke up and started screaming at the person holding the camera, then the lights flashed on them.

It showed a bow and arrow, before it was placed down to face the parents. The arrow shot threw her mother's eye, then her father's. The camera moved closer, showing the parents, before it went black, then Dylan ran upstairs. "Your welcome." Rosary said, once she turned to the others.

"Thank you, Rosary." Milo said, then Emma and Ted disappeared. "Did they really do that?" He asked, looking at her and gripping her shoulders.

"Yes, why do you think I didn't need to be corrupted by Bughuul?" She asked, looking into his eyes. "I'm glad that you're here." He whispered, before they kissed.

"I love you, Milo." She whispered, laying her head on his chest, as he wrapped his arms around her. "I love you too, Rosary." He whispered back, then they kissed again.

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