The Fourth Video

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Milo and Rosary appeared in Dylan's room. "Come on." Milo whispered. "I don't want to." Dylan mumbled.

"I'm going back to sleep." He added. "Sweet dreams." This made Dylan turn to them, then sigh. They walked into the cellar.

"This one's mine." Peter said, walking out of the shadows. "Just play it." Dylan ordered, then eerie music started playing. They watched as the family was electrocuted, until they died.

Dylan walked out of the cellar. Milo flicked on the lighter. "I know you're there." He turned around and Dylan's brother was seen.

"Why'd you have to pick him?" Zach asked, annoyed and jealous. "Because you're not good enough to be one of us." Milo said, walking closer to him, Rosary behind him.

"You know I can see you." Zach said and the girl flinched, which made Milo annoyed. "Leave her be." He commanded, wrapping an arm around Rosary. Milo shut the lighter.

"You're not smart enough to do what he can do." He continued. "Uh-uh. I'm better than him and I'm smarter too." Dylan's twin argued.

"If you were, then we would have chosen you." Rosary said. "Tell anyone of this and he'll take you first, then kill your whole family." Milo warned.

"Who? Dylan?" Zach asked, not believing them. Milo and Rosary only shook their heads.

"Then who?" He asked again, getting scared. Rosary gripped Milo's arm, as she looked around.

The next day

Zach was beating up Dylan, trying to get his brother to say he's better than him. When he did, Zach told him to say that he's nothing and weak and that the children made a mistake. Once he let Dylan go, he backed up because of who was in front of them. The children were in front of them and Dylan ran towards them.

They walked forward, making Zach fall. "I hate you! I hate all of you!" Zach shouted. Milo walked up to him.

"I'm telling Mom! You hear that? I'm telling Mom!" He said, trying to hide his fear.

"Shh..." then Zach ran off. "You don't deserve that." Emma said, as she walked past Dylan. "You should do something about him." Ted said.

"And your father." Peter said. "And your mother." Catherine said.

"My mother didn't do anything." Dylan said. "Exactly." Milo said, then turned to leave with the others. "Rosary, come."

The other four stopped and looked. She glanced at the others, then at Dylan, before gripping his shoulders. "Don't end up like I did. Don't be the lone child getting tortured, since the day she was born." Rosary said, walking to Milo.

He wrapped an arm around here shoulders and she wrapped one around his waist, then they disappeared. Dylan was left standing there, thinking about what they said. Once they were alone, Milo wrapped his arms around Rosary and hugged her tightly. "Its okay, they can't hurt you now. They're dead." He whispered as she cried.

"They hurt me so much." She cried into his chest as he smoothed her hair. "They can't get you anymore. I'll keep you safe, I promise." Milo whispered, before they kissed.

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