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Josh pushes Tyler around his house in his wheelchair as he shows him the first floor of his house.

"Do you maybe wanna go up stairs and hang out in my room ty?" Josh asks looking down at his hands.

"I'd love to Joshy, but you might have to carry me up there if you don't mind," Tyler replies blushing when he realizes what he just called Josh.

"I would be honored to carry the prince up to my castle."

Josh leans back towards Tyler allowing him to wrap his arms around Josh's neck. Josh then picks up Tyler's legs and holds them around his waist.

"I am ready Josh, take me to your castle," Tyler says smiling with his chin resting on Josh's shoulder.

Josh then smiles back at Tyler. He heads up the stairs making sure not to drop Tyler. When Josh reaches his room he opens the door and lays Tyler down on the bed.

"Joshy, your bed is really soft. I could lay here forever," Tyler says his voice slightly muffled due to the fact his face is smushed into Josh's blankets.

Josh chuckles at the cuteness of Tyler and joins him on the bed.

"You are just adorable," Josh says ruffling Tyler's brown fluffy hair.

Tyler looks up at Josh and blushes. He then turns back and hides his face in the blankets again.

"Stawp it," Tyler whispers softly into the blankets.

"You are only proving my point correct. You are an adorable cinnamon roll too pure for this world," Josh says chuckling at his choice of words.

Tyler has been laying on the bed for a while not making any noise. Josh figured he feel asleep. Then an idea popped into his head. Josh decided he was gonna wake Tyler up by tickling him.

Josh started out slow by gently tickling Tyler's toes. He then realized Tyler couldn't feel his feet. Face palming himself he went back to tickling Tyler. He gently rubbed his finger tips down Tyler's sides. Tyler started moving around. This encouraged Josh and he started full on tickling Tyler.

"Jjoooossshhyyyyyy stawp it pwease stawp," Tyler screamed running out of breath trying to escape Josh's ticking fingers.

Josh stopped tickling Tyler seeing how much he was struggling to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry ty I didn't mean to almost give you an asthma attack or something," Josh says looking at Tyler with a worried expression on his face.

"It's ok Joshy, I'm fine now. I don't even have a way to protect myself. I can't run away, I just have to sit here and take it like a man," Tyler states trying to sound tough.

"You're a small little baby boy who wouldn't hurt a fly ty. Oh that's a good one. That's gonna be your new nickname, alright baby boy, Josh says smiling down at Tyler.

"I guess you can call me baby boy if i get to keep calling you Joshy."

"Deal baby boy"


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