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"Boys dinner's ready," momma Dun yells up the stairs. Josh shifts and opens his eyes to see Tyler still sleeping in his lap.

"Babyboy it's time to eat," Josh whispers to Tyler as he shakes him. Tyler mumbles as he slowly flutters his eyes open. Tyler smiles once he sees Josh.

"Carry me," Tyler whines to Josh as he reaches his arms out in front of him. "I'd be honored," Josh replies bowing for added effect. "You're such a dork," Tyler snorts as Josh picks him up off the bed.

Josh walks to the table and places Tyler in the chair next to his, pushing it in. "I'll go grab you plate, you just sit here." Josh explains to Tyler. "I wasn't thinking about going anywhere," Tyler replies sarcastically.

Josh returns with a plate of spaghetti setting it in front of Tyler as he takes his seat. Tyler immediately starts shoveling spaghetti into his mouth. "Woah, slow down there bub," Josh chuckles. "Sorry I haven't ate since breakfast, I'm starving," Tyler mumbles through his mouth full of food. "This spaghetti is really good momma Dun." Josh hums in agreement as momma Dun thanks them.

Tyler and Josh finish their spaghetti in record time. Josh takes the plates and sets them in the sink walking back over to Tyler. "Hey wanna go get ice cream, there's a place down the street," Josh asks. Tyler nods as he motions for Josh to pick him up.

Tyler grips tightly onto Josh as he carries him over to his wheel chair setting him down. "You sure are a clingy little bub aren't you," Josh chuckles. "Well I kinda have to be if I don't wanna fall," Tyler sasses back. "Mom we'll be back soon we're going to get ice cream," Josh yells to his mother as he pushes Tyler out of the front door.

"I bet I can beat you to the end of the street," Tyler challenges as they reach the sidewalk. "Oh you're on babyboy," Josh replies as he sees Tyler push off and start speeding down the sidewalk. "Hey we didn't say go," Josh yells as he chases after Tyler.

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