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Tyler groans as he is woken up by a text. Tyler rolls over as he grabs his phone off his nightstand seeing a text from Josh.

Joshy: do you wanna come hang out today.

Tyler smiles at Josh's contact name as he types out a reply.

Baby boy: i'd love to hang out :)

Tyler cringes at his use of a smiley face at the end of his text. Not a minute later Tyler received a text back.

Joshy: great ill pick you up in an hour. Maybe we can go eat at taco bell.

Baby boy: great see you then joshy.

Tyler pulls himself off his bed and into his wheel chair, rolling over to his closet. He picks out his clothes for the day pulling them on. 30 minutes later Tyler hears a knock on the door. Tyler rolls himself out of his room down the hallway to open the door.

"Hey babyboy," Josh says as he ruffles Tyler's hair earning a pout from Tyler. "Hey Joshy," Tyler giggles. Josh grabs Tyler's handles and pushes him out the door, closing it behind him.

"What you been doing since we last seen each other?" Josh asks leaning down towards Tyler's ear. "We literally saw each other less than 24 hours ago, joshy. I haven't done anything but sleep," Tyler giggled as he playfully slapped Josh on the cheek.

Josh pushes Tyler up to the counter as they reach Taco Bell. "Can I get a quesalupa. What do you want Joshy," Tyler asks. "I'll have the 5-layer burrito." The cashier hands them their cups as they go to fill them up.

"You wanna bring it back to my place and eat it," Josh asks Tyler as they pick up their food. "Ya that sounds good." Josh wheels Tyler out of Taco Bell ringing the little bell on the door.

"So bub, tell me about yourself," Josh asks Tyler on their way back. "One why do you keep calling be bub. I thought my nickname was babyboy. Two what do you wanna know," Tyler sassed back to Josh. "Well, because I do babyboy. You're my little bub. My small bud. My smol bean. Oh I'm back at it again with the great nicknames," Josh chuckles as he ruffles Tyler's hair.

Tyler and Josh arrive back at Josh's house pushing through the door. "Let's eat it up in my room. I'll carry you just grab the bags," Josh says as he picks Tyler up bridal style and carries him to his room setting him on the bed.

(After they eat cause im lazy)

"Can I take a nap. That Taco Bell just put me in a food coma," Tyler asks as he lets out a yawn. Josh smiles as he lays Tyler's head on his lap. "I think I'm gonna join you." Josh pats Tyler's head as he pulls the cover over Tyler. "Goodnight for now bub," Josh whispers as he drifts off to sleep.

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