The Start of Yesterday

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As she lay on the table a rush of images rose to and from her consciousness. When she finally managed to open her eyes she was greeted by a blinding over head light forcing her to close them quickly. She squirms a little and felt restraints attached to her hands and feet.

She opened back her eyes and adjusted herself to the lighting in the room. Focusing she listen closely to get a feeling of her surrounding where a sudden increase of sound surrounded her. Outside the room she was hear the movement of two pairs of feet pacing in the hall. She soon enough she heard them talking.

"What are we going to do if she does wake up ? "

" She will ...just give it time "

"I hope your right or i just committed a crime for - "

"You saved a human being's life "
"I freed a alien and if she's as powerful as you've told me. I'm betting she'd be pretty pissed to be lock up in a cage for so many years"

"Let's hope she isn't "

The voices outside the room ceased and the turning of the door knob was louder than it should be. Barry and Cisco made their way into the room and proceeded to Cisco table that had now become a resting place for Kara's look alike.

Barry undid the restraint from one of her hand. With swiftly movement Kara's eyes open and grabbed Barry with her free hand.

"Who the hell are you ? " she shouted

As Barry grasped for air Cisco came towards Kara. Trying to hold her down. She flung Barry across the room and knocked Cisco Back. That gave her enough time to undo her other hand and feet. She slid off the table and levitated in the air  with her eyes flaring a dark red colour.

"Kara you need to calm down " Barry said

"Who's Kara ? "

"Look i know you don't know me but i know you or well a other version of you "

"What are you talking about ? "

" My name is Barry...Barry Allen and i use to be the fastest man alive. Back in my superhero days i travel to another earth and i met you. You were a superhero just like me  and you called yourself  Supergirl. By day your Kara Danverse and whenever the people of National City needed you, your always there. Your one of the kindest person i know and if you just calm down we can work  it out. "

"Why should I believe you ?"

"Because my friend here can show you that"s it all truth "

"How ? "

"He has specific abilities that allows him to vibe my old timeline. "

" It's True...Name's Vibe by the name "  Cisco said

Cisco stood between them Both and grabbed Barry and Kara hand. With a bit of concentration He was able connect both their mind. He moved through Barry's memories and found his accidental visit to a different earth. He rely all the information pertaining to Kara to her look-alike. As soon as she was done he released his grip and they both stumbled a little.

"Now do you believe me " Barry asked.

"Your right , but it's not me and my name is not Kara it's Karen. That girl is waay older than me "

"Karen that's nice " Cisco said

"Yea i guess, Can you tell me where i am and why the only thing i remember is getting in my space pod when i was 14 and then nothing else "

"You might want to look into the mirror "

"Why ? "

"Because your not 14 anymore "

Barry handed Karen his phone to look at herself.

"How long was i in the cage 5 or 6 years"

"Yea it seems that way "

"Who did this to me "she asked

"I'm afraid I can't tell you " Barry said hearing an anger in her voice.

"Why ! " Karen shouted plunging after Barry with a dark red glow in her eyes.

"Hey snowflake " Cisco said

When she averted her attention to him. Cisco sent shock waves from his hands pushing Karen away from Barry.

"Don't let this get ugly " he said

"Only when you tell me who locked me up for years"

"Karen ...think about your parents...remember why they sent you to earth "

She paused for a while looking at the turmoil she has caused. She opened her mouth to respond but decided against it. She ran to the window and jumped out.

[The Flash] : Flashpoint 3.0Where stories live. Discover now