His Tortured Soul is Mine

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The emperors new groove lights the screen. Bright colors dancing on the screen. His warm arms in circle me while deep in thought. He turns in his back, pulling away.
"What?" I ask, wondering why he turned from me.
" Now, the question is, do I have the courage"
Recognition sparked my mind. He was ready?! No it can't be. I'd waited so long for him to be mine. But had the time arrived so suddenly?
I didn't want him to do this for me. I wanted it to be his choice. I didn't want to pressure him, to force him like others would.
" Its alright take your time. Let me know when you're ready."
He paused for a moment. But the moment didn't last as long as I had anticipated.
He pulled me close again and whispered into my ear " Would you be my girlfriend? "
My heart stopped. " Naaahh, I'm good." I laughed easing the intensity of the moment.
His chest rumbled as he chuckled with me.
Serious once again I asked " Are you sure? I'm alright waiting."
" No, I've been waiting to ask for awhile now. I was going to ask you yesterday, but I couldn't muster the courage. I wanted it to be the right time."
I smiled and pulled him closer, showering him with tiny adoring kisses. Then I hugged him tight and sighed.
" Are you happy? " he inquired
" The happiest" I answered closing my eyes to drink in the moment. "Mine"
"Yours, mine" he answered
"Yours" yes I was his and he was mine. The waiting was over.

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