I Will Build Myself Again

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Disclosure. There is a surplus of swearing in this poem. If that doesn't suit you, don't read.

Promises don't mean jack shit.
Words have become meaningless.
Words are pretty - words are fine
But they aren't going to be there at night when I cry.
All the trust I put into his words rattles to the floor because they had no support. Fuck him Fuck his promises
All his comforting whispers
Fuck the nights he called me baby
I let him call me his
Fuck the nights I let him hold me
Fuck the nights I trusted him to touch me
Fuck me for being so stupid
So silly so naive
I listened to his rubbish
I drowned in his eyes and the falsehoods they told.
I should've stayed strong
Shouldn't have let him into my heart
How could I let him reel me in just to cast me out
I was too shallow.
I allowed jealousy to get to me.
I wanted ownership
I wanted love
I wanted rights
So I broke my one rule
Fuck it
Fuck him and his promises
I will be my own again
I was strong before he came.
He does not define me
I do
I control my future

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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