Chapter 3

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"what did you say?" he had asked me with some type of look on his face.

"are you gonna kill me ? i need to know now so i can prepare myself. even though you cant prepare for death, but still." i said in one breath. he was looking at me like i was weird.

"i cant kill you A'Nae..... but you cannot speak of what you saw to anybody and i want you to hang out with me and my crew. you and your friend Tisha." okay first : why cant he kill me ? and second : how does he know Tisha's name ? dismissing the questions in my head. i swallowed and nodded. i haven't been around him for this long and its making me feel weird. i stood up and told him i was ready to go home. he nodded his head, picked up his keys and we left out i guess his room. i have to now hang out with Vahji and his crew. the crew with Talia in it. i wonder how that's gonna work out. she could not say anything to me, have an understanding between eachother or i can beat her ass again. either one is fine with me. we walked out the house and got into the car. i gave him my address and now where just cruising.. "thanks for not killing me" i told him quietly.

"yeah youre a lucky one." he responded sarcastically.

"whatever. so... you know that me and Talia don't like eachother and you want me and Tisha to hang with yall ? and how did you know Tisha's name to begin with ?" i reminded him and asked him the question i was thinking about earlier.

"yeah and ? Talia don't run sh.t ! she's dumb for staying with me. i know Tisha's name cause my dude Ace is feeling her" okay now that took me by surprise. Ace is digging Tisha ? Tisha been liking Ace for as long as ive been liking Vahji. i wonder how this is gonna turn out for her.

"why is she dumb for wanting to be with you ?" i asked him referring to what he said about Talia.

"she knows i cheat on her. she loves me and she knows i don't love her back, she knows i don't love at all, but she'd rather stay with me and get her feelings hurt." he told me the real truth about how he felt about the whole thing. so he never loves ? so does this mean he would never love me ? that he would cheat on me if i got the chance to be with him ? i don't think i could do that.

"well shes dumb. i would've been done with yo ass a long time ago. you guys want yall girl to hold yall down through everything and yall cant even be faithful and support and love them. i just don't understand." i said to him. and i don't understand. they want all this from their girls and they cant even stay faithful. wack.

"i never said she had too be with me and hold me down. she did that on her own."

"yeah and you should just be faithful to her on your own !" i yelled at him.

"get yo ass out my car !" i looked up and seen that we were already at my house. i got out his car and slammed the door close and walked to my porch unlocking the door with my key. i turned around and Vahji was long gone. punk ass nigga !

Authentic Love - 4 Chapters OnlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora