(19) leaving...?

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hello! updating once again! c:


•month fourteen: part 2•

The wind blew Ashton's hair around as he walked towards the small Diner. He was meeting Michael to talk about the almost kiss that he had with Calum. He entered the Diner, a bell ring as he opened the door.

"Ashton!" Michael called from a booth. Ashton looked up and smiled, walking over to the booth and taking a seat across Michael. "What's up?"

Ashton took a breath about to speak when a waitress came over. "What would you like boys?"

"Oh some coffee please." Ashton said.

"Okay. Coming up!"

Michael leaned in after the waitress left, resting his arms on the table. He waited for Ashton to speak wanting to help his friend.

Ashton finally spoke and talked on and on about what happened and how he felt. He stopped once his coffee came and a took a sip, waiting for Michael's advice.

"You guys almost kissed?"

Ashton nodded. "Then the phone rang and Calum answered. He seemed...sad at who it was. He left for the bedroom afterwards and that's when I called you."

"Did you leave Harley alone?"

"No. Calum's still there and I texted him to let him know. He'll see it after he's done talking to to whoever it was."

Michael nodded before putting on a thinking face and looking at the table. Ashton took another sip of his coffee awaiting Michael's verdict.

"I would honestly tell him how you feel. Go back there and tell him that you like him as more than a friend. I wouldn't be like try to hint at it but just say it straight up. That's how I got Luke. I went up to him and was like 'you're hot wanna go out?' and he actually said yes."

Ashton sat for a moment before nodding in understanding.

"Speaking of Luke, how are you two anyways?"

Michael blushed softly. " Oh we're going fine. Luke's thinking about finishing school to become a teacher and well me, I'll just be a housewife. I guess."

"I just pictured you in like one of those girly housewife aprons on. Oh my god you look so funny." Ashton laughed at the image in his head.

"Oh god I just pictured it too."

Ashton laughed more. Michael laughed as well before relaxing into the booth.

"I don't think I could picture you as a housewife Michael like..."

"What? I'm too punk rock for it?"


Now Michael laughed. "Who says a punk rock guy can't be a housewife?"

"I didn't say that I just"-

"I know what you meant mate. I just...idk what I'm gonna do with the rest of my life honestly."

"Well, you can always finish school like Luke is but just get like basic stuff." Ashton suggested. He picked up his coffee and took a drink. "I'm not really sure how that would work but I bet there's a way."


Michael's phone alerted him and he checked it.

"I ah gotta go. I hope things work out between you too."

"Oh okay." Ashton stood up, putting some money on the table as he did.

"Let me know how it goes yeah?"

"I will. Thank you so much Mikey." Ashton hugged Michael for a moment before they left the Diner.

Ashton crossed the street to his car and got in. He then took a moment to process and plan how he was going to do this.

Do I go on and just say it or should I try hinting at it? Ugh Michael just said be straight with him but I'm not sure...

He put the keys in the ignition and started the car. He drove off, still thinking about how he was going to do this.


Calum was busy pacing his room. She wanted to see him but why? Why now? After everything that's happened...

He grabbed a suitcase and started packing it. Might as well go and see what the hell she wants right? Fuck this is such a bad idea.

He then heard the front door opening and Ashton calling out to him. Footsteps were heard and then Ashton appeared at the doorway.

"Hey Calum I have to talk to..." He stopped and saw the suitcase. "What are you doing?"

Calum continued to pack, ignoring Ashton. "I have to go somewhere for a little while."

"Who was on the phone Cal?"

"Kayla...she wants to see me."

Ashton's heart dropped to his stomach. "Oh."

Calum finished his packing and zipped up the suitcase, finally looking at Ashton. "It won't be for too long okay?" He walked up to Ashton and placed his hands on his cheeks, looking him in the eyes. "You'll take care of Harley while I'm going right?"

"Right but shouldn't we talk"-

Calum went back to this suitcase and started walking out of the bedroom down the hallway. Ashton just followed behind, waiting him leave.

"Again, I'll be back soon okay? Call me or text me if you need it. Let me know how Harley is when you get the chance. Bye Ash."

Calum then walked out the door, it closing behind him softly. Ashton stood quietly staring at the door still not sure what the hell just happened.

A cry interrupted him and he went over to Harley.

"It's gonna be okay little one. We'll manage." He said out loud reassuring himself. "We'll be okay..."

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