(33) gentle reminders

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third to last chapter my friends! this chapter's going to be long just to make up for lost time really.

hope you all have enjoyed this story 'cause it's been a journey for sure! what it's been like 2 years in the making? i feel like i could've made it shorter than 2 years but that's life for ya!

i might've put myself in here 'cause i can, hint: i really want to dye my hair either a lime green or a dark green! oh and the tattoo is something i want as well!

is this fanfic any good? like i've been reading this other fanfic and the person's such an amazing writer and i feel like mine is trash compared to hers lol.

it's tired yet? by catisafaker. she's such a lovely human being and such an amazing writer! go check it out if you like the Cashby ship! Austin Carlile and Alan Ashby of Of Mice & Men which is my one of my favorite bands!


•month nineteen: part one•

Ashton smiled as he looked at the calendar on the fridge. One Saturday was circled in black marker with the words FIRST DATE printed in Calum's messy handwriting. They had been planning this out for 3 months and finally, it was about to happen. He smiled to himself, feeling someone's tan arms wrap around his waist. He was pulled towards the person while a gentle kiss was placed on the back of his neck.

  "One day away babe," Calum cooed into his ear.

  "I can't wait." He turned around in Calum's arms smiling. "It's all set up right? Jalex's watching Harley for us?"

  "Right." Calum nodded. "Do you trust them?"

Ashton laughed softly. He cupped Calum's cheek reassuringly. "I trust them. Alex won't let anything happen to her. Jack being the silly man child that he is will play with her nonstop."

Calum nodded again, looking into Ashton's hazel green eyes. He could willingly look into his eyes all day. He wish he could, but sadly, he knew he couldn't. Life gets in the way.

  "I better go. I'm going to be late." Ashton kissed Calum's forehead softly. He untangled himself from Calum's arms to make his way over to Harley who was sitting in her high chair with food in front of her. "Be good for daddy okay princess?"

  "Okay daddy!" She giggled as he tickled her. He turned towards Calum and hugged him softly once again, lingeringly slightly. Calum smiled during the hug. He pulled away knowing that Ashton wouldn't and gave Ashton a look that said 'Get to work before I kick your ass for being late'.


  "Be safe!" Calum called right as the front door shut firmly. Cool air blew into the room for a few seconds before dispersing into warmth of the house. Calum sighed to himself feeling his body relax. Ashton's been so affectionate since they confessed their love for each other. He didn't think any less of it, and in fact, he enjoyed it a lot. He's loved Ashton for the longest time. Even while he was with Kayla! He just didn't really notice. He's knows that it's not just a simple crush. He cared if Ashton was sad or happy. He wanted to know his fears and dreams and everything between.

  "Daddy! I want down!"

Harley was doing really well with speaking. She was way ahead of other babies that Calum has met. She had come a long way from being born. Her skin got darker, her eyes changing from the blue that all babies have to the dark brown color that matched Calum's. They both even had the same shape to their eyes. The resemblance was uncanny in a way. One look and you could tell Calum was her father.

Calum's phone then started ringing loudly. He quickly grabbed it from his pocket to read the ID. Kayla was calling. He hadn't talked to her since he left Ashton and Harley alone.

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