Freeing Marcus

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Luckily I got off with a fine. A thousand pound fine but still a fine, I didn’t know where I was going to find a grand but it was better than jail time. Fucking snitches, I know it was someone who knew me. Probably someone from the estate, my mum would actually flip if she knew. I strolled out of the court a little too confident for someone who had to come up with a grand in 28 days.  I phoned Dwaine, my best bud to let him know the good news. “You bussed case,that deserves celebrating… a party?”                                                                                                                                                                                                      “A party,” I agreed.

Parties on the estate were legendary. The news spread like wildfire and everyone who was anyone was there. Inside the chicks would hardly wear anything while doing some of the hottest dance moves you’ve ever seen. The music could be heard from streets away and everyone would know we were partying. Sometimes local stores closed early when they heard the bass thumping. Brave shop owners stayed open knowing they’d make more money from the last minute cigarettes and booze we’d purchase when we ran out. I hated when people stole from the shops, it made them wary and fucked it up for the rest of us, we did live here we still had to go back and buy milk. Our parties always came with a story, someone sleeping with someone, someone passing out of oding the worst would be someone you knew dying. If anything it’d be a drive by. No one had the balls to walk right in and start shooting.  Our parties always had protection, in case anyone ever tried to run up on us. Being in a gang you’re bound to accumulate a few enemies and we were family we had to take care of each other.

My phone was vibrating. I stepped outside to take the call. “Yo.” I hauled the phone from my ear. It was my mum. I hadn’t looked at the caller id, she was moaning about the time about me answering like that, the dishes at home and whatever else she felt like. “Ok I’m coming.” I smoked a quick spliff before I said bye to my friends. My little brother was at his friends. I knew Mum was gonna flip. That was my main reason for the spliff so I would be chilled out when she started.

“Where’s your brother?” She barked as the door closed behind me. Hello to you to. “At a friend’s.” She huffed and I made my way to my room, was that all she called me home for. “One, two, three.” No sooner did I shut my door then it opened. “Where have you’ve been Marcus?” I kicked of my shoes and stepped out of my trousers.“Out.” I could tell she wanted a better answer by the way she was staring at me. “At a party…I was a few doors away.”                                                   “You know I don’t like you hanging out with the guys from the estate.” I rolled my eyes knowing full well she couldn’t see me. “Well I can hardly avoid them.” Either your apart of the crew or you’re against it and you didn’t want to be against it. I threw my t-shirt and the floor and climbed into my bed. Mum picked up my t-shirt and turned off the light. “Don’t hang out with the guys from the estate, if only it was that simple.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2013 ⏰

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