Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ryder led me to the office, and I was pleased knowing that I had about four classed with him. During the day I had eight periods.

English AP


Biology AP



Math AP

Physics AP

Beginners Combat

Beginners Combat

I groaned at the last four lessons. That had to be the most difficult schedule ever.

“Don’t worry. Your father already covered most of the syllabus with you.” Ryder said as if sensing my distress, I gave him a grateful smile and in response he slung his arm around my arm and led me to my locker.

“So is this school anything like the all American high schools I read about?”

“That and more my dear, you’re in for a rude awakening.” He warned, I shrugged, and yet mentally prepared myself for my first day in what I could tell would be my prison.

“So do I get to meet your friends?” I asked him casually.

“Yeah.” He mumbled.

“Really, when? I don’t want them to feel like I suddenly stole you away from them or anything.”

“Harper chill, it’s your first day of school, they understand, besides I can’t be a bad best friend and make you fend for yourself in a school of horny male werewolves and bitchy she-wolfs. I do mean that in the most non stereotypical way ever because there are some pretty decent people here.” He rambled on.

 I agreed with him completely because as much as there were people who were extremely awesome, there were some that were seriously mental. Like Jenny freaking Velt, she’s was the worst kind of person ever and was announced a grade A bitch and of course “it girl” of the school.

 It baffles me everytime I think of the power she had, or rather the power that people willingly let her take. She was one of the people on the list of people I hated, but luckily I didn’t hate that many people, there was about two other people in my list along with he who shall not be name, yeah I’m a sucker for harry potter.

Anyway the queen bee of the school, was strutting her stuff towards us right now, it’s as if that saying speak of the devil and she will appear, yup, here she was. And she was looking at me as if I had three heads.

Okay, let me inform you that Jenny and I go way back, and by way back I mean I accidently spilled orange soda on her crisp white dress when we were ten and I never got to live it down. I was her number one enemy from that day because she stopped trying to suck up to me because of my relationship with he who shall not be named.

“Harper.” She said as she approached in an overly cheery voice, as if she could act that well. I saw threw he demeanour, she was a vile snake. Her too tight to breathe neon yellow dress exposed her lack of curves because she was as thin as a rake but she made up for it by getting a boob job, yeah double dees. I didn’t know werewolves were able to get boob jobs because they believed in all things natural, guess she proved me wrong.

She was accompanied by a posy behind her, trying to give off an array of confidence, dressed exactly like Jenny. For the hell of it I couldn’t remember their names because they weren’t that important anyway.

“Jenny.” I said in a fake cheerful voice, before turning and putting my books in my locker making sure to only take the books I needed for my first four lessons.

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