Concern is deadly*

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Well, another whole new chapter, completely different. She meets Cayden a bit early, and Mr. Trag is still... deadly? Enjoy!


"What happened?"

A cold shiver runs through my body, but despite the cold temperature I don't feel reassured. I frown in my sleep as my muddled mind tries to remember where I am. My eyes stay closed and I feel the heaviness of my body wanting to keep me sleeping.

My fuzzy brain keeps all feeling in my body at bay as I try to surface and come back to the real world. Although I can't stand it, I hate being trapped in my head even more. Sounds slowly come back but even then, I am unable to identify the mumbled words. I try to focus but again my mind refuses to come back.

"...fine. I am just waiting for her to wake up."

"I can handle it from here Mrs. Burk."

"Mr. Trag, I have already told you she is fine, all she needs now is some rest. There is no need for you to stay behind."

Mr. Trag?

The name conjures up a chill and has my mind freezing up, but not because of the grogginess. I begin to move around on my back as I try to wake the rest of my body up.

"First period is over Mrs. Burk, I am just checking on a student who didn't attend this morning. It is my responsibility to check on her and make sure she is really okay." Silence regains the room before the male voice continues, thick with emotion. "Mrs. Burk I will keep her company and once she wakes up, I'll catch her up on what she missed. You have no reason to worry, go and take your break."

Another silence regains quickly followed by shuffling feet, "As long as your sure?"

Even as I hear this an urge to scream and tell her to stay overtakes me. I open my mouth, but no noise comes out as I pant while forcing open my eyes. I look up at a white blurry blob as tears stream down my cheeks. I quickly blink them away as I try and focus on anything inside the small space. Finally, I can make out the tiles of the ceiling and my limbs no longer feel tied down. I sit up but a dizzy spell catches me off guard; I place my head in my palms as I try to settle the spinning room.


I furrow my brows in pain as I hold the headache at bay and look up in response to my name. The bed I am on was enclosed by a curtain still drawn close from when Mrs. Burk had left me to sleep. However, holding the curtain open now is Mr. Trag as he looks at me sitting up on the bed. The lighting plays with the shadows in this small space as they seem to cover his face along with his expression. Even then his voice causes a sprinkle of shivers over my arms as I try to settle my now pounding heart.

I franticly begin to recall everything leading up to now and as I do every ache from before comes pounding back. It appears that Mrs. Burk has already left as no one else comes to check on me.

"M-Mr. Trag." I respond to him even as my throat dries up and I begin to swallow as much saliva as I can. My fingers tips become cold as he nears me and I rub them together underneath the blanket to try to regain some warmth.

He stops at the edge of the bed and then takes a seat where my feet are stretched out in front of me. I look down at my lap, but once his warm palm is placed on my leg, I stare up at him. The look on his face is twisted as he looks at my face, seemingly at every detail. Nausea takes over at the contact and on reflex I remove my leg from his hold and curl both feet underneath me.

Undisturbed by my actions Mr. Trag remains in the same spot keeping his cold eyes on me.

"Don't call me that."

Dreaming of Skies *undergoing rewrite*Where stories live. Discover now