Prince of emotions (p2)

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The sound appears loud in the silence and I can't help but flinch and wait to be reprimanded, but Sam doesn't even react as he continues to type.

Once I see he doesn't appear angry with me, though he never appears to be anything with his lack of facial muscles, I move over to his side. He appears to ignore me and the silence is filled with the clicking noise of the computer keyboard.

The closer I get the more I can make out the computer screens and I can't help but tilt my head in puzzlement. One screen has nothing but numbers, another has letters, numbers, and symbols, one more is opened on a band fan page and another seems to show surveillance footage inside a bar.

I quickly stop trying to focus on all the screens and move closer to Sam. Once I am standing beside him he moves his leg and pushes out the chair next to him. Taking the hint, I sit in the chair and wait for him to say something.

After a while I begin to think that he doesn't even really see that I am here. I'm not sure how I feel about being air, but maybe that has its own benefits. I quietly watch as Sam calmly focuses on his many screens while still typing away at the keys underneath his hand. His glasses sit on the edge of his nose appearing to about to fall off. However, as I look they don't seem to slide down his face, just sit in place. My eyes focus back on his slender fingers which quickly maneuver the keys as he types without looking down.

Hmmm, I wonder if he plays any instruments?

"Here." I jump out of my musings as he finally speaks and points at a monitor. I look to see which one it is and realize it's the one which appears to be security footage of a bar. "When you see Aston appear tell me." He finally looks at and waits for my nod before he goes back to his other monitors.

We fall into silence again, but I can't help wondering what is going on. Why would Aston appear in this bar? When he does what is going to happen?

I debate whether I should ask. My feelings for Sam aren't as fearful like when I am with the others, after all he did save me from drowning. I can't help but feel a tad more connected to Sam, but he doesn't appear to feel the same. He doesn't really speak and it doesn't help that I am unable to determine his mood from his face or eyes. They mostly stay in the same neutral position, the only times his features had changed where when he moved his eyebrows.

I may feel the safest with Sam, but I also feel the most frustrated with him.

I manage to gather my courage as I determine that Sam will most likely not scold me for speaking.

"Um, so, what exactly is Aston doing in that place? Are you looking for something specific?"

"He's investigating our target."

Just as I expected, Sam didn't reprimand me, but I also wasn't expecting such a honest answer. "Target?" thought he didn't supply any details.

He moves one hand away from the keys and lightly taps the screen I am supposed to be monitoring. "Focus."

I silently nod as I put my attention back to the screen. I guess this is his own way of telling me that he can't reveal all the groups secrets.

I watch the bar as increasingly more costumers come in and fill in the space. The camera seems to be behind the bar as it faces out into the bar's many tables. It's tilted down so that it can also capture the edge of the bar and the consumers sitting at the bar. From its positioning you can't see the front door, just the crowds of people, which makes me focus my full attention on the screen.

I try to focus on just those who enter the screen and once I see that it isn't Aston I move my gaze to the next person. However, a certain man captures my attention as he walks towards the camera, or rather the bar. He stops slightly in front of the camera and waves down to his right to capture someone's attention.

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