One shot of apple juice (p2)

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"How about the youngest?" Dacian suggests to us off to the side. It looks like despite not wanting to join us he is interested enough to watch us play.

"Good idea. How old are you Aero?" At Cayden's question the four boys turn to me.

I try to hide my discomfort at being the center of attention and answer the question. "I'm sixteen. What about you guys?"

"Hmm, Aston and I are eighteen, so that takes us out of the running. Gale is seventeen, so that means you're the youngest one here." Cayden answers for everyone in the group.

"Here?" I ask curiously as I look at Sam and Dacian.

"Yeah, Sam is also eighteen and Dacian is seventeen."

I nod, but I can't help but to be surprised. I look at Gale curiously because aren't we in the same class. I just turned sixteen this year, so shouldn't Gale either be fifteen or sixteen? Wait, now that I think about it what grade am I in? The orphanage and Dr. Lane took care of all the paperwork, so I really don't know anything about my school experience. I am sixteen, right? Yeah, I have to be, the other kids are also sixteen and we all assumed we were the same age.

"Aero? Earth to Aero, don't stay to long with those aliens."

I snap back to attention at Cayden's words. He looked at me impatiently and as I tried to figure out why he was impatient I was reminded of the cup in my hand. Right I have to start. What should I ask? This is harder than I thought since I haven't had much experience outside in the world.

"Umm, never have I ever...gone to an amusement park?" I ended my statement with a question as I wasn't sure if I was doing this right.

The three boys looked at curiously, but none of them drank from there cup.

"That's too easy Aero, but I guess it's a win for us. We get to ask you a dare now. Oooh, please let me do it." Cayden turned to the other two as he pleaded for them to give him permission to dare me.

I felt a slight heat on my face. What does he mean by it's too easy? Is it something that everyone has done? I turn my attention back to the guys to see Aston and Gale give their permission for Cayden to deal my punishment.

"Yay! Okay, okay, I dare you to give one of us a hug of your own free will."

I almost choke on air as I stare at him wide eyed.

"Hey, I wouldn't have let you give the dare for something so simple." Gale says to Cayden, but Aston stays quiet. Cayden ignores Gale and smiles at me, almost as if expecting me to go to him for the hug.

I gulp down air as I try to calm my panicked heartbeat. I look at the other two boys playing the game and then I glance at the other two not playing. Does it have to be someone playing the game? Sam ignores us and Dacian looks at Cayden with disapproval.

I steel my nervous as they scream at me to not come into contact with anyone. I ignore the feeling of bugs crawling under my skin as I stand and make my way over to the boys sitting down on the couch. I shut my eyes so as to not see the person's reaction as I reach out and grab their shoulders. I pull them into my abdomen and hug them.

Surprisingly Dacian doesn't pull away but he also doesn't return the hug. Honestly, I am both relieved and upset by this, but I decide not to analyze my emotions right now. I pull away from him and get back to my seat without looking to see his reaction.

"Aww no fair. I wanted that hug." Cayden pouts, but no one says anything else.

I softly rub my stomach were I still feel the lingering warmth of Dacian's head resting against it. My mind wanting to analyze the fact that I hadn't as discomforted as usual at touching someone. Is it because I did it willingly? Or is it because somewhere deep inside of me it's something I've been wanting to do?


Sorry for the short release, this chapter should have one more part I just wanted to release something. Don't worry once school is over I will release more...Here and now I promise to release at least two chapters for May

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