Invisible to eyes of beauty (p1)

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I stare at the hand in front of me, as we both hesitate to grab each other. The idea of skin contact has me feeling a bit nauseous, but I know I must do this. If anything won't this help improve my sensory defensiveness (A/N: name of disorder involving not wanting to touch others; although Aero's is not as extreme as it can get). If I want to change I need to start and not delay.

However, I am not the only one hesitating to reach out and grab the others hand.

I look at those amber eyes that stare at me seeming frustrated with my response. I'm sure Gale probably regrets his dare, not expecting me to choose him.

I had gone into a panic, unsure of who I could trust to be alone with when I didn't trust any of them fully. My first instinct was to deny the dare and say I was fine sleeping in the living room by myself. However, I realized that I was not a guest here and I would always have someone at my side so I wouldn't leave the house. After thinking this far ahead I couldn't back out from my own agreement to these dares.

Considering my options, my eyes had instantly landed on Sam because he had been the one to save me from drowning. However, I had recalled the earlier conversation I had with Dacian and Sam when I had first come into their home. When I had asked Sam if I could enter his room he seemed reluctant to let me in.

My eyes had then shifted to Dacian, but I know he is angry at me right now so I quickly dismissed that thought. I didn't trust Cayden enough to spend the night alone with him. My choice had been between Gale and Aston at that point and as I quickly debated who I should go with when I had recalled something from that disastrous night.

My eyes had landed on Gale as I recalled the events of that night and how in a way Gale had also been one of my saviors. He had taken care of me once I had been brought to shore, he had given me warm clothing. He even saw me...

My thoughts trail off at the thought that he has seen the most of my exposed self, in a literal and figurative sense. He had seen my scars and he didn't sympathize or judge me, he still treated me the same. Not only did he keep me alive he had also realized my exposed vulnerability and shielded me from the others. He really does hide his nice side behind all his snide remarks and pride.

Once I made up my mind, I had revealed my choice and everyone but Sam had been shocked. I wasn't sure if it was because of my choice or my agreement to go through with this dare. After a while both Dacian and Aston had begun to laugh while Cayden held a slightly troubled look.

Gale had a look of regret as we both looked at one another waiting for the other to make the move to grab the others hand. This is where we are now.

"I guess in a way this is a smart choice." Sam says quietly as he stands up from the couch. In a much louder voice he says to Gale who is still on the ground, "Remember Gale, she is just keeping her word and so should you."

Gale doesn't look up to Sam but I can see the glare that comes over his face.

"Don't force Gale into it Sam. If he doesn't want to do it there are still four others that can take his place." Cayden says cheerfully, but his tone seems to contradict his words. If anything, his tone seemed a bit odd and it instantly made me nervous.

"Here Cayden." I watched as Aston took a lollipop out of his pocket and gave it to Cayden. Cayden frowned at Aston's words but still took the candy and after unwrapping it put it into his mouth.

"Whatever, just hurry up and decide a winner. It's about time we go to bed." Sam said as he left the room and headed to the stairs. Everyone stayed quiet, but soon after Dacian followed Sam and went upstairs.

"I'm pretty sure Aero drank the least amount here, so congrats on controlling the bathroom." Cayden says as he also stands up and leaves the room. Aston gives me a small smile and then follows Cayden, leaving me alone with Gale.

Dreaming of Skies *undergoing rewrite*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ