Chapter Three: Horror Movie

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For three hours, the girls played video games, truth or dare, and even a pillow fight.
After the girls became exhausted from the insane round of pillow fighting, Rin said, "Why not we watch a movie?"
"Great idea, Rin-chan!" said Miku, agreeing with her.

Taking turns in the bathroom, the girls changed into their pajamas. Then, futons were rolled out onto the floor in the bedroom. The girls sat on them as they discussed what to watch.
"What movie should we watch?" asked Neru.
Miku suggested, "Battle Royale?"
"Too violent!" said Gumi. "How about Onibaba?"
"Nah!" said Neru. "How about Ringu?"
"I love that movie!" cheered Miku.
"I guess..." said Rin.
Surprised, Gumi said, "O-Okay..."

After everyone agreed to watch that movie, Neru turned on her TV and played it. While covered in blankets, Miku and Neru quietly enjoyed the movie while Rin and Gumi both shook in terror. They covered their eyes with the blankets and were missing most of the action.

Two hours passed and the girls began to feel sleepy even with the horror movie still on. First, Rin fell asleep as the fear overwhelmed her. As Gumi still quivered, Miku dozed off. Then, Neru went to slumberland, leaving Gumi the only one still awake.

When the movie finally ended at midnight, she fell asleep...

Three hours later, Rin woke up. Looking over to the digital clock Neru's dresser, she saw that it was just 3 am. While Miku and Neru were snoring away, she got up and walked out of the room.

Walking down a dark hallway, she reached for the bathroom door; when suddenly, it opened. She jumped as Gumi walked out.
Noticing her, she asked, "Want me to wait for you?"

Rin nodded and went into the bathroom. Gumi waited outside the door until her friend came back out again. Then, they walked back to the bedroom together.
"What a relief... I was so scared." said Rin.
Gumi laughed and said, "That was a scary movie wasn't it? I'm also..."
"I'm Sukekiyo."

Suddenly, a person wearing a scary white mask appeared with a flashlight. Rin and Gumi screamed as the mask was taken off and revealed to be Nero.
As the mischief maker laughed hysterically, Gumi shouted, "Where the hell did you get that thing!?"

The boy ran back to his room, which the girls continued to proceed back to their sleeping quarters.
"Then good night." said Gumi as she laid back down on her futon.
Rin replied, "Yes. Good night."


Last publish date before 2020 edits: June 16, 2016.

Okay, so that is chapter three.

When I was first writing this, I had no idea which horror movie I should have put in this chapter. But now I decided on "Ringu" or "The Ring".

By the way, that last scene was based on a scene from Episode 6 of "Lucky Star".

I hope you are enjoying the story.

Okay, that is all for now.


Next chapter will be the last...

Words: 506

Vocaloid Girls: Teenage Slumber PartyWhere stories live. Discover now