Chapter 9

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Rina's P.O.V.

After spending a few hours at the field, we picked up some food and headed home. Upon opening the door, we were greeted by the energetic knuckle head ninja himself. Having a lopsided grin, grabbing the food out of my hands.

"Hey Rina, Gaara. Where have you guys been?" We fully entered the house with Gaara closing and locking the door behind us. Naruto brings the food to the kitchen getting dinner set up.

"Oh we were just at the field, talking and hanging out." His grin widens at the sound of my words. I begin to walk to the kitchen to assist. I grab bowls out of the cupboard along with cups.

"So you guys talked everything out? Is everything good now?" I nodded quickly, a bright smile making its way to my face. "In fact we are officially dating now." I said in a smug tone. Turning to look at me, a shocked expression on his face. I laughed softly. Gaara walks up behind wrapping his arms around my waist, his chin resting on the top of my head. I nuzzle in closer to him enjoying the warmth radiating of him.

"That's great! I'm happy for you guys, I think you guys go great with each other." Naruto shifts his gaze from me to Gaara giving him a serious look.

"You remember everything I told you, Gaara. If you hurt my sister you will have to go through me." I raise an eyebrow and shake my head.

"If anything, Naruto, I would be the one he would have to answer to if that ever happened as I am his girlfriend." Gaara's grip around my waist tightens at the thought. I rub his arm in a comforting way.

"With that monster strength and temper, I doubt he would even think of trying anything." Naruto said under his breath. Twitching my eyebrow, I shoot him a dirty look. Getting out of Gaara's grip, I step closer to my brother and irk mark appearing on my forehead.  He always has something to say.

"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you. Would you like to repeat yourself?" Cracking my knuckles with an menacing yet innocent smile. Naruto gives me a frightened look, hands flying up in the air in defeat.

"I promise! I meant it in a good way!" Naruto directed his gaze towards Gaara for help. He shrugged his shoulder holding a laugh back. He decided to stay out of this knowing he would become a casualty. He soon walks over to start separating the food in the bowls while I continue bickering with Naruto. After placing the bowls and cups on the dining table, Gaara came back to the kitchen. He rest his hand on my hip, pecking my cheek.

"Rina, I'm sure he meant nothing mean by it. You are an excellent kunoichi, especially after training with Tsunade. You're definitely stronger than most kunoichi I've met." I flushed at the compliment nodding. A soft smile graces Gaara's lips. Naruto let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding. He then gave Gaara a thumbs up thanking him for calming me down.

"Come on dinner is already on the table, let's sit down and eat." We all make our way to the table. Dinner went by quickly with conversation and laughter in the air.

~Time Skip~

It's been two weeks since going on the mission to the Akatsuki hideout and a week since starting a relationship with Gaara. It has been absolutely amazing. He has been nothing but attentive and forthright with any worries or problems he may have. Spending this time with him even though he has mostly been working on Kage issues with Tsunade, has made me fall more in love with him. My feeling growing stronger for him by the day.

Today was one of those days Gaara had to go and work. I was wandering aimlessly through the village having nothing to do. A half hour later of walking, I decided to go to Ichiraku for some ramen. After finishing my meal and paying, I left deciding to pay a friend a visit. It's not a far walk but I'm sure his family would be happy to see me. I smiled to myself and made a beeline to my destination.

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