Chapter 11

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~The next morning~

I woke up at sunrise, the sun barely peaking through the tree line. After getting dressed, I exit my tent. I soon notice Kakashi cooking up fish that looks to be recently caught. I greet and sit next to him. We sit in a comfortable silence until he hands me one of the cooked fish.

"Thanks." He nods to signify a you're welcome. I smile softly at him and begin to eat the freshly cooked fish. After a couple of minutes, we finish eating, pack up the camp and continue our search. The comfortable silence was broken by my voice.

"Kakashi sensei, how long do you think it's going to take before we find the hideout?" Shaking his head, he replies.

"I don't know. We'll get there when we get there, Rina." I let out an exasperated sigh.

"This walk is becoming a drag." I say annoyance bubbling within me.

"You're sounding more and more like Shikamaru. We should be getting to our destination in a few hours time." I huff in response following the path we were leading down.

~Hours later~

We finally reach Orochimaru's hideout. It was hidden well but we eventually were able to locate it. The difficult part is infiltrating, grabbing Sasuke and leave. Kakashi stops in his tracks and turns to face me, holding a serious expression.

"We need to think of a plan to get in and out without getting killed." I nod in agreement. We really need Sasuke back. Naruto hasn't really been the same since he left and it's not that same without Sasuke in the village. Within ten minutes we devise a plan the we both agree to. After setting everything up, we go in walking further into the darkness. Nodding to each other, we go separate ways to cover more ground. Running through the hideout, I open as many unlocked doors as I can in the search for Sasuke. 'Where in the hell could he be?!' I thought as I open a new door.

Someone suddenly grabs me from behind dragging me into the empty room. I scream and kick as much as possible to escape to no avail. I hear the door to the room lock. Fear slowly creeping through my body. I soon dropped to the floor from being let go. I quickly move myself to the other side of the room keeping a distance from the assailant. The lights suddenly flicker on revealing revealing Kabuto.

A breath hitches in my throat. Oh great, it's four eyes. This is the worst possible outcome. He slowly steps towards me. I step further away from him only for back to bump against the wall. Chuckling evilly to himself, he places a hand on my cheek to caress it. I flinch at the touch turning my head to avoid his gaze. He tightly grabs hold of my chin forcing our eyes to meet. A sinister smile on his features.

"Well look who we have here." Rolling my eyes, I glower at him.

"Get your filthy fucking hand off of me swine!" I spat at him.

"I don't think I can allow that." My patience wearing thinner by the second.

"And why is that dirtbag?!" He presses himself against me. Disgust now mixing with the fear. His grip on my face tightens, forcing my face closer to his.

"I haven't gotten the chance to play with my new toy yet." He chuckles, "You're going to be my little plaything for a while. Such a shame, no one is going to save you either." He laughs menacingly, making me flinch as tears build up at the corners of my eyes. I try to shake out of his grasp.

"Please don't do this.." I beg in a hushed tone. He forcefully slams his lips against mine. A muffled scream escapes my lips as I try to push him away. Tears soon cascade down my cheeks know what's to come. His lips soon leave mine but make their way down to my neck. I close my eyes as tears rapidly fall. Suddenly I feel a hand slither it's way down my stomach to my pants. Panic completely consumes me trying to escape. I soon feel a jab to the neck, my consciousness quickly slipping into darkness.

I soon wake up with a started. Breathing heavily, I check myself noticing I'm still fully clothed. I look around taking in my surroundings trying to figure out if I was in a different room. Giving up, I let out a deep breathe. I glance down at my arms seeing bruises scattered along them. A flashback of the events, putting me back in a panicked state. Tears soon spilling out. Sobs causing my body to shake until I feel arms gently wrap around me. Feeling the motion of being rocked back and forth calmed me. Feeling a sense of safety in the person's arms. I turn my head and see raven hair peaking through. Immediately know who it was I smile softly. 

After fully calming down, Sasuke breaks the silence. "How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?" A worried expression showing. A ghost of a smile on my lips. I shake my head.

"I'm not hurting anywhere besides the bruises on my arms. I don't know what happened after I was unconscious though." He gives me an unsure look. He soon begins to fill in the blanks telling me he found me with kabuto not long after I was rendered unconscious. Thankfully Kabuto couldn't go any further. After listening to the recent events, I change the top with a serious tone.

"Sasuke you need to come back home. To the Leaf Village." He scoffs, shifting his gaze to avoid mine.

"Rina, you know I can't. I still have to get stronger to kill Itachi. Not only that I was branded a rogue ninja after leaving." Shaking my head in disagreement.

"Sasuke I understand better than anyone the goal you are trying to achieve, but that doesn't mean you have to go through it alone. We can all help and support you to reach that goal. Lady Tsunade sent me and Kakashi sensei on this mission to bring you back home. We need you back. I need you, Naruto needs you. He hasn't been the same since you left." He sighs slowly standing up. Standing up myself facing him.

"I don't know Rina." I give him puppy dog eyes, clapping my hands together as if praying. He continues to give an uncertain expression.

"Please Sasuke. Come back to the village. You can live with me and Naruto until you decide to move back into the compound. Then one you have accomplished your goal you can start on reviving the clan." With these last words he was convinced. He lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Fine. I'll go back home with you." A wide smile reaches my lips as I pull him in to a bear hug.

"I'm so glad you said yes!" He smiles hugging back. I soon let go looking around the room.

"Let's get packing then!" We soon start gathering anything he deemed important packing them in scrolls, making the move easier. I grab the last of his clothing and placing it in the scroll. Doing a once over, making sure nothing important is left behind. We son leave in search of Kakshi sensei. Hopefully he is alright and didn't have a run ins with the enemy. He has been alone for a prolonged amount of time.

Continuing through the labyrinth of a hideout as we search for Kakashi sensei, twenty minutes had passed when we found him unscathed. I quickly explain the events that occurred. Confirming the mission as a success, we all start the journey back to the Hidden Leaf Village.

A/N: This chapter was kept fairly similar to what it originally was but has definitely been tweaked. I hope you all enjoyed. I've been rewatching Naruto shippuden again. I forget how good it is. My favorite characters are definitely shikamaru and gaara. What are you favorite characters in the show?

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