Chapter 14

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Gaara's P.O.V.

We continue our pace walking to Rina's spot, now dubbed as our spot, for our date. My inner conflict still running through my mind. I glance at Rina from the corner of my eye. The sun shining softly against her skin giving her an ethereal glow. I blush at the sight before me but slowly start calming down. I don't know how she does this to me, they way she makes me feel. I have never truly experienced something as intimate and addicting as the love I hold for her. I am utterly enthralled with the love she has so willingly given to me. All I want is for her to stay by my side. The years that I have known her and Naruto has been life-changing. Taking me out of my thoughts, I hear Rina's angelic voice.

"Gaaraaa.. Hey are you okay? I've been calling your name for a bit there." Her tone sounding concerned. I smile softly and give her hand a squeeze for reassurance. I look around taking in the scenary before me. I didn't realize we had made it to the field already.

"I'm fine, I promise. I was just thinking.." From the corner of my eye, I can see her giving me a curious look.

"What were you thinking about just now?" A deep blush creeping up. I look away a bit embarassessed. We soon stop under the shade of one trees scattered about. We place our belongings in the grass. In a hushed tone, I answered the question.

"I was actually thinking of you.." I turn my head slowly facing towards her again a blush still evident on my cheeks. Making eye contact, I notice a pink hue dusting her cheeks as well. She twiddles her thumbs and looks down avoiding my gaze. In a clear but shy tone, she asks.

"Would you mind telling me in specific what the thoughts about me are.. Unless you feel uncomfortable then you don't have to tell me. I don't want to ever make you feel like you are forced into something.." I chuckle softly at her nervous rambling. Growing the courage, I place my arm around her waist pulling her into me. I gently lay my hand on her cheek, caressing my thumb back and forth to relax her. I spoke in a soft tone.

"I don't mind telling you.. After all you were the one that was running through it." The dusty rose sheen on her cheeks deepen from the romantic confession. I pull her further into me, the sweet smell of vanilla coating my senses as a breeze flows through her long, auburn hair. My heart palpitated wildly as her saphire eyes locked on to my own. The deep emotion evident in her eyes, yet were carrying a sense of warmth and safety. As seconds pass by, our faces gradually inch closer together. Warmth blossoming in his chest, he leans in, brushing softly against hers. Her soft, tender fingers steadily entwined themselves with my free hand like a puzzle piece that is finally in its rightful place. Nudging noses together, I capture her plump lips onto mine. Her delicate fingers dance up my shoulder lacing them into my hair. The blooming warmth in my heart quickly transformed to a sweltering fire that only burned for her. The delicate, tender kiss between the lovers soon grew deeper. Both wanting the affection to last as long as possible.

We slowly pull away, regaining the lost breath. As I look into her eyes, a soft, raspy tone escapes my lips. "First and foremost, I want to thank you for all of the effort you and your brother had put forth to change how I viewed life and the world. You both have shown me that I don't have to be alone in life, that I have comrades by my side to give me strength. That I should fight for others and not just for myself. I will forever protect you with my life. You both have a special place in my heart." I gesture for us to sit down and get comfortable. Once we settled into our places next to each other, I continue.

"Rina, I am beyond happy you chose me to remain by your side. It has given me a great honor to see you in a completely different light. If any one moment in time anchored my soul, it was the moment I fell deeply in love with you. When I was able to see a new side of you, I couldn't help but fall harder for you. I love everything about you, your beautiful eyes that glisten ever so slightly whenever you are excited how much you care about your family and friends. You are an intelligent, strong, and beautiful woman. You do nothing but make me proud and it makes me want to do the same." I pause. The negative thoughts creeping to the front lines. I furrow my brows, uncertain if I should voice these thoughts or not. A soft graceful smile on Rina's angelic face.

"Gaara are you okay?" Worry etched on her face. I nod and smile back.

"I'm fine.. it's just I've been having some negative thoughts as well. I'm scared that I won't be good enough. I'm frightened at the thought that I don't deserve this happiness.. that I don't deserve you.." My voice now just above a whisper.

Rina's P.O.V.

A quiet gasp left my lips from hearing his heartfelt confession. A bright smile graces my lips. He truly is magnificent. Everything he said only made the love I have for him burn brighter and hotter than before. Engraving this moment into my memories, never wanting to forget the overwhelming love and joy I felt. I slither my hands into his, tangling them together.

"You don't understand how much what you said means to me. How much you mean to me." Placing our entwined hands to my heart where my heart lays, I speak. "My heart beats for you and only you. There will never be a moment when you aren't on my mind. You are an absolutely amazing man. You have achieved and experienced so much in your life. You are a compassionate, smart young man. I know you would do anything in your power to protect me and protect the villagers in the Sand Village. How could I not love all that you are." I bring his hand up to my lips in a soft peck.

"You deserve this happiness. You deserve me. Please never doubt that." Our eyes lock together as if conveying our true emotions. This is all I will ever want. For him to experience happiness for as long as he lives. I want to be one of the reasons for that happiness. I will continue showing him how much he truly means to me. He should never have to worry about whether he deserves happiness or whether he deserves to be with me. We soon lean into a gentle kiss. Feelings of reassurance flowed through. We soon break away in need of air, smiles apparent on our lips.

"I love you Gaara. I always will.."

"I love you too Rina. Always.." After the heartfelt conversation we continued to enjoy our date. We ate the food that we bought from the convenience store while chatting away. We enjoyed the rest of the afternoon. Gaara eventually laid his head on my lap while I ran my fingers through his red locks. Hours quickly pass back, we decide it was time for us to go home. I wanted to make every minute count knowing Gaara will be going back to the Sand Village to continue his duties. Unbeknownst to me, Gaara was feeling the exact same way. He didn't want this time to end. Both nervous yet excited of what is to come in the future. Their love growing stronger as time slips by.

A/N: Hello! This chapter is a bit shorter than others have been but I still hope it is good nonetheless. If you would like to leave any feedback please don't hesitate to leave a comment! I appreciate all feedback. I hope you all have a great day!

Gaara's First LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora