Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guuuuyyys. Ok, so update days will be Monday, Thursday, and Saturday! Hope you enjoy, feedback is always appreciated. Next chapter might get a little crazy :)


"Bridge, you have a date with Niall today!" Daisy says as I'm on my laptop scrolling through twitter.

I sigh.

"It's not a date, he's just playing around, he wants to see how far he can get with me," I shrug.

"But what if he's not, I mean, I've known him for awhile, like a year and a half now, and he was talking about you! Niall Horan never talks about a girl, unless he's bragging about the shag he's had with her!" She squeals. Why was she so happy about all of this? She was supposed to be warning me about people like him, but instead she's happy that I'm more than likely going to get played. But he was talking about me. Niall Horan was talking about me. Me! No, what am I saying? He's a dickhead! Everybody knows it.

"What did he say?" I ask, trying to hide my terribly obvious curious tone.

"He was just like, 'Oh, that Bridgette girl seems cool, she's pretty hot too. Is she always so cocky?' And I didn't answer, I just shrugged my shoulders because I knew you didn't like him, but now that you're going on a date with him, I think that's all changed." She giggles.

"Daisy! It is not a date!" I hissed and she just laughs.

"Whatever you say," She shakes her head. "What time are you even supposed to hangout with him?" 

"I don't even know, he didn't even tell me." I said, and just then, woopdy doo! Niall Horan walks in without even knocking.

"What the hell man!" I lash out, "I could have been getting dressed!" I shake my head.

"That would have been better, actually," He smirks, "Ready to go?" He leans his hand out for me, and I push his hand away and stand up, walking in front of him at the door only waving goodbye at Daisy slightly, showing her I really didn't want to hangout with him. He closed the door behind us.

"Where are we going?" I ask as soon as we get into the hallway.

He huffs.

I knew he was annoyed with me from the second he has talked to me, it was obvious. But I was also very annoyed with him as well from the first time we had spoken. 

"Listen, we're just gonna walk around, this isn't a date, I'm not your boyfriend, so don't think I'm gonna start being your bitch, don't expect much from me, your attitude isn't gonna slide," 

Who did he think he was? My attitude wasn't gonna slide? 

"Are you my father? No, and your attitude is much worse than mine is, so don't even talk," I shake my head at how immature he was already being.

The autumn air felt nice as we exited the building, it wasn't too breezy and it wasn't too hot.

"So tell me about yourself," He said completely ignoring what I had just said to him.

"Cut the crap Niall, you don't give a shit about me, you just wanted to see how far you could get me," I sigh.

"Can you shut up? You don't even know me, stop acting like I'm this rude, player jock that doesn't give a shit about how anybody feels except for myself," He growled. "But I'll be honest here, I don't give a shit about prudes like you."

Ouch. Prude's like me? I wasn't a prude, and that hurt. He doesn't care about me yet he told me I had to hangout with him.

"One, I'm not a prude. Two, if you don't give a shit about me then why did you force me against my will to come here?" I huffed.

"Okay, I do give a shit about you. But it's not like what you think its like, I'm not interested in you, if that's what you mean. I'm not interested in anybody. Not like that, anyways." He shrugged.

Was he always this confusing?

He saw a group of his friends before I could respond back, and he called them over.


There were 3 boys and 2 girls with them, they introduced themselves and I remembered them all from the party actually. The one boy's name was Louis, I remember that.

It was getting late and I wasn't having much fun considering I am a very shy person. We've been hanging out with them for about two hours and all they've been doing is talking about all their fun times together, all those times which I haven't been here. I was only a freshman. I nudged Niall, hoping to get his attention to tell him I'd be going back to my dorm.

He looked down on me and that's when I noticed our height difference, he had to look down to see me. I liked it for some reason though.

"I'm gonna walk back to my dorm, it was cool," I smiled, but it wasn't real. It was actually very boring. He made a confused face, to which I continued on, "Hanging out with you, I guess." 

He smiled too. 

"I'll walk you back, no worries," He cleared his throat, "Hey guys, we're gonna head back to her place,"

"Yeah! Get it Niall!" His friend as I recognized as Louis said, and they all whistled. 

Niall chuckled. We walked away.

"What the hell Niall, you're not actually coming into my dorm! You totally said that to not sound lame about walking me home!" I huffed. He was such a dick sometimes.

"But I wanna come in with you, we could have fun in there," He winked.

Okay, I'd be lying if I said his flirting wasn't a complete turn on. 

"Besides, Daisy and Harry are out anyways." He continued.

I sighed, and I started realizing he could probably easily get me into bed. I was attracted to him and if he got me to hangout with him, I'm sure he could get me to do it with him. I wasn't a virgin, so it's not like it would be a big deal. I could do it with him, but then he'd throw me out, just like all the other girls he's had sex with... But this is college, and who cares if I have a one night stand? The only bad thing that could happen is maybe my pride would get a little hurt after doing it, like, then after it, maybe he wouldn't feel the same attraction he feels for me now. I knew he was attracted to me, I had caught him staring at me tons of times when I have been walking somewhere. But me and Niall were about to be completely alone, in my dorm, while it was dark out.

We walked into the building and up to the second floor where my dorm was, and I put the key in. We walked in and before I could even turn the light on, he shut the door behind us, shoving me against it, not enough to hurt though.

"Show me just about how much of a prude you're not."

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