Chapter 12

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A/N: Okay, well here's chapter 12, i'll also have chapter 14 tomorrow the same time today because I won't be updating on thursday, but i'll update friday. Enjoy guys.


Niall's POV


I was about to leave to go to my basketball try outs because the soccer season had just ended and I played 3 sports a year, soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter, and baseball in the spring. But as I was walking, Harry texted me that he forgot his phone charger at the frat house and asked me to go to his girlfriend's dorm. I was really hoping Bridgette wouldn't be in there, but of course she was, she bumped into me right when I was about to just walk in the room. I would be lying if I said I didn't smile when I saw her, but then I remembered to quit being "sweet" because I didn't want her to think I was going soft for her, so I just said hey and she got really pissed at me, I followed her out of the building and she completely flipped on me, trying to tell me that I was in fact going soft for her and that I was a coward for "running from my feelings." And it got me wondering, maybe I was... Actually, it depends, did I have feelings for her? No, of course not, we only hungout a few times and I still felt like I barely knew her, but then again, I felt like I did.

I completely forgot about Harry, so after my basketball practice I looked at my phone and there was five messages from him. God, why did everyone have to annoy me today?

I texted him back, telling him to stop being fucking lazy and to go back to the frat house and get it himself because I was already back there and I really wasn't in the mood to run into Bridgette again. 

He texted back.

Woah, okay, whats wrong?

I texted back.

I'm not in a good mood

He immediately texted back.

Bridgette isn't in a good mood either, coincidence? I think not

That text got me pissed, and I knew exactly what he thought. And, because he was with her. I know that he has a girlfriend, but still, another guy with her... No thanks. But anyways, Bridgette probably told them about the encounter we had earlier, so he was probably thinking that her mood effected mine, which it didn't. There's no way it didn't, I don't even care about her.

Okay, I admit, that was harsh, but I wasn't gonna sit here and think that I did care about her. Yeah, I'd care if she was physically hurt or something, but emotionally? I wasn't her boyfriend, so none of that kind of stuff was my problem. 

But the fact that she was mad, she was mad at me, she thought all I care about was sex, and that got me really pissed. She didn't even know me and she was trying to tell me stuff about myself. But like I was saying, she was mad, and it was because of me... I know it was, because if it were anybody else trying to chat her up when she was mad she would have relaxed. But I got her all riled up, all I said was hey and she flipped shit on me.

I thought about telling Harry about the whole situation, but then he'd just tease me for going soft, and the whole frat house would know about it and it'd just spread all around campus. I really didn't want that.

When I walked upstairs, the boys cheered, and I don't know why. 

"What?" I asked and they all laughed.

"We heard your girl was upset Ni!" Derek said.

"You thinking about going soft?" Luke asked, and the other boys laughed.

"No, where the fuck did that come from?" I snapped.

"A few of the other boys saw you talking to her and they said she basically ran away from you and you ran after her, aw, it seems like the notebook or something!" Derek shouted and they all cracked up like it was the funniest thing.

As soon as he said that, my jaw tensed, and to say I was absolutely pissed was an understatement.

"Ha ha, so funny! I'd hate for you to talk about me 'going soft' when we all remember when you were about to fuck that slut Jamie and your 4 inch dick was soft, who could forget? She was so embarrassed for you and told everyone about it!"

And of course, all the other boys laughed harder than his original joke about me. But he just kept quiet, and I went into my room, shaking my head, with a smirk on my face.

But the smirk automatically wiped itself off once I got reminded of the current situation I was in.

Was I really being a coward? Did I have feelings for her but I just kept shutting them out? I wouldn't know if I did because I never actually had feelings for anyone before, so this was all new to me. Or maybe it wasn't, maybe I was completely fine and I wasn't getting feelings. And that's what I wanted, I never want feelings. Feelings suck because they're never the same vise versa, like for the other person. I know she has feelings for me, because if she didn't then why did she get so riled up over me? 

But then again, here I am, saying I don't have feelings for her when I'm stressing about all of this stuff.

Oh, I'm screwed.

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