Chapter 11

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A/N: Alright, so I apologize for not updating on the usual days! I got my laptop taken away, so I couldn't update, but I updated tonight and I'll also updating tomorrow night at 8:00 pm. Also, if you don't know what 'brothers' means in Fraternity houses, it's like your frat brothers, the boys you live with. But, enjoy?


Bridgette's POV


I hadn't talked to Niall in a week, and I was starting to get worried. This is exactly what I was worried about. I knew he was going to get tired of me, but it actually seemed like he wasn't going to since we've been talking for so long. I mean, not in that way, I knew he didn't want serious and I still know that he doesn't want anything serious. But still, he hasn't talked to me in a whole week. I thought after that night we were better friends, but I guess he hasn't. 

I was tempted to ask him what he was doing Friday night, but then I just felt like I'd make a fool out of myself by texting and then him not responding, or even worse him clarifying that I wasn't his girlfriend by any means. I knew we weren't dating, but I guess it hurts getting a bit attached to someone then having them just drop you one day randomly.

And the worst part about it is that I actually thought we got closer that night, and I started to realize that night probably meant nothing to him.

I was interrupted with my thoughts when Daisy came in, with Harry following almost right behind her.

"Hey Bridge, what are you doing tomorrow night?" She smiled down at me on my bed and moved over to hers, pulling out her laptop with Harry just standing there awkwardly.

"Uh, I don't know... Probably just staying in, I guess. How about you?"

"Movies. Why aren't you going to a Frat party?"

I shrugged, "I'm not into Frats."

As soon as I said that, they both laughed and Harry went over to Daisy's bed, sitting down by her legs.

"I thought you had a thing for Niall?" Harry asked as soon as he stopped laughing.

"Yeah, I mean, no," I sighed. "I'm not into him, if that's what you're asking. I know he's not into me, so it wouldn't even matter. I know he's not like that, he has a lot of girls that hangout with him as well."

I could see his eyebrows furrowed when I said that, so mine also did, confused as to why his were.

Then he nodded, "Well, at least you have enough common sense to know that. A lot of girls don't, and they end up getting hurt, when he doesn't mean for it to be like that," He shrugged. "You know that, right?"

I think I knew what he meant. I knew Niall didn't mean to hurt girls, and if he did then I wouldn't be talking to him. 

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