Chapter 15

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A/N: Yo yo yo, here's chapter 15, tell me what you think of it and stuff, follow me and vote.


Niall's POV


It was the last night of break, and if I'm being honest here, this break was pretty boring. Hopefully winter will be better.

I was bored now in fact, just looking at people's tweets from my school, saying how wasted they got this break and how they didn't wanna go back to college. It was weird because I kind of wanted to go back, I mean, not for the "learning" and stupid shit, but to see friends and get back in the frat house. I know, I know, it was kinda rude to say especially since I was with family, trust me, I missed them, but it was different this time. I just kept replaying what Bridgette said, was I really a coward? Did I really have feelings for her? I didn't even know what feelings felt like, and if that's what I'm feeling right now, well then they suck. But I absolutely doubt that they are.

I barely even talked to my brother, Greg, who was sat right next to me.

"So, hows running college, big guy?" He asks, chuckling, and I chuckle as well.

"I wouldn't say I'm running it, just keeping it in check," I shook my head, smiling. "But good, I guess."

He sighed, "Alright, what's up man?"

"What do you mean?" I was genuinely shocked by his answer.

"You're not being loud, you're not being the annoying little brother, you've just sat there, doing nothing. You've barely talked to your family all break! Something is up."

That got me thinking. That was true, I wasn't being as loud and I wasn't really talking much. Usually when I came home I'd watch TV with dad and Greg, or pass the soccer ball around with just Greg.

I just sighed, I didn't know what was up to be honest. Everything was going fine, but I do remember Bridgette flipping on me. But that was nothing. Or was it? Why would her words affect me in anyway? When he noticed I wasn't going to say anything, he spoke up instead.

"Is it a girl?"

I cleared my throat, clearly uncomfortable with where this conversation was going. I didn't know if it was Bridgette, but that's really the only possible thing, I guess...

"I," I didn't know what to say, I don't even know why I was starting to say anything if I didn't know what to even say. "I just, I don't know. You know me Greg, I've never really had a girlfriend-"

"You have a girlfriend?" He asked, voice a bit loud, like he was shocked, and my eyes widened.

"No! I never said that, I'm just saying, like, you know I'm not good with girls, and I guess..." I sighed. "Maybe my mood is like, I don't know, like this, all weird, because of her..." I cleared my throat again, I really didn't want to seem girly.

"Woah, did you just say you're not good with girls? Seriously, Niall?"

I rolled my eyes. "You know what I mean."

"Oh, yeah, the girly kind of stuff." He smirked and I really wanted to hit him, he knew I was uncomfortable with the topic.

But then it was his turn to roll his eyes. "Seriously Niall? Why are you so ashamed? So what, you might like a girl. It doesn't mean much, you might have a crush. What did she do, anyways?"

I didn't like what he said. I didn't like her, I liked her as a friend, but nothing more, maybe a fuck buddy or something, like friends with benefits, but not like a girlfriend or anything like that.

"She kinda told me I was an ass, and I should man up because she thinks I have feelings for her, but Greg-"

He laughs right in the middle of my sentence. What the hell?

"What?" I ask.

"Are you trying to say you don't have feelings for her?"

"Yeah, I am actually," I chuckled lightly, "Duh."

He shook his head in disapprovement, "That's a lie, Niall. And you know it."

I shook my head, "No."

"Then why is she affecting your mood?"

I was getting worked up, I knew it.

"Because... Because... Well I don't really know, Greg! I've never liked anyone like that! I'm not going soft now!"

He chuckled yet again.

"Really? That's dumb as fuck Niall. You're smarter than that, you know what, you can still be the man of the campus and go soft, the other boys aren't gonna say anything if you really are 'the big man'. Going soft doesn't make you a pussy, it gets you a girl."

His words got stuck in my head, I just kept repeating them there. 

"So what do I do?" I asked in a small voice. "I have a reputation."

"Fuck the reputation, get a new one. Text her."

I wasn't sure if I wanted to.

"Are you sure? She's still mad, probably, and I don't want to rush into things... I don't even think I have feelings for her, I think I'm just confused."

And it was the truth, I really do think I'm just confused because when people describe feelings, they don't describe it like this. They act like it's all fun.

"This is clearly the first time you've had feelings for someone, and you're backing out. Don't do that, man. It's not good. If you continue to do that, girls are going to stop liking you because they're gonna realize that you're never gonna change. You have to, everybody does, all of your frat 'brothers' are going to, too."

I sighed, that was a point. 

"And if you like her, why not just let the feelings come in now? I mean, it's gonna happen eventually."

That was an even better point.

I nodded, "Alright, but it's not going to be anything lovey dovey. I'll just say I'm sorry or something. We're not gonna date anytime soon."

"You like her and she likes you, so..."

His responses were really quick, and I didn't know if it was because he was wise or if he was just being the smartass older brother. But I trusted him with this. I trusted him with this because he was a frat boy once, but he was actually one of those guys that was soft and had a girlfriend in college. So he knows all of this from when his buddy's were in a situation like mine, I guess.

"I'm not sure if I like her, listen Greg, I appreciate the help, but I'm not just going to dive in. I wanna hangout with her for longer, so I can just get a feel, for what I'm feeling, I guess." 

Yeah, that's what I wanted to do.

He nodded understandingly. "I gotcha. But still, text her, ask her to hangout tomorrow, apologize."

I nodded. "Alright, but not too apologetic."

He laughed and patted my back, "Alright Niall." He got up and went outside with our mom and his wife I assume.

I unlocked my screen and quickly sent a text.

hey bridge... sorry for being a bit rude the other day .. do you wanna maybe hangout tomorrow?

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