Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey guys I couldn't really update last week, but I'll be updating on Thursday. So enjoy, and tell me what you think about Evan maybe? Also, it's Bridgette's pov again, next chapter will be Niall's. Also it wouldn't publish until now? Lol well new chapter tomorrow!


Bridgette's pov


As soon as he said that, the first thing that popped into my mind was Niall. Was I going to tell him about Niall?

"Bridge, come on, tell me." He nudged me with his elbow, then laughed and I let out a fake laugh.

"Alright, well do you want to know?" I gulped.

"Any guys?" 

Great, just the question I was dreading.

"Well, there's this one... But he's not interested in me, well I don't know, I'm not interested in him, not anymore, anyways."

I felt uncomfortable as I said it, as if something changed. But the only thing was, I didn't know what changed.

"Well if he's not interested, he's not worth it," He shrugs. "What was his name?" 

"You don't know him, I know you don't," I snapped really quickly, but not in a mean way.

"I don't know, maybe I do. What does he do around your campus?"

"Sports, he's a frat boy, too." I looked at him after I said that and he rolled his eyes.

He didn't say anything.

I didn't say anything.

The rest of the car ride was silent, besides the small talk and when he turned up the radio because it was starting to get painfully awkward and quiet. 

When I got in my house a feeling of warmness came through me, and I realized how much I really missed this place. Evan was getting my suitcase from his car while I greeted my parents, telling how much I missed them and how fun college was. I was only telling the truth with half of what I told them.

College wasn't fun, not for me, not yet at least. I want to have fun, but I just can't. I feel like I don't fit in, like I'm too innocent or something. But college was college, and hopefully it would get better within time.

All week I really just chilled out with family and my bestfriend, Jenna. I told her all about everybody there, including Niall. She said I should forget about Niall, and I didn't say anything back. I just nodded, but I was shocked with her response. I thought she'd say something more meaningful, but I guess not.

I got a text around midnight, kind of hoping it was from Niall, but it was from Evan. He asked if he could comeover since it was my last night home, at least until Winter break. I said sure.

He came about 15 minutes later and knocked on my door, so I rushed to it and opened it, telling him to be quiet because it was late and my parents were asleep in a whisper and softly shutting the door behind us. He smiled.

"Bridge, I wanna talk to you." 

A rush went through me, oh no, what could it be?

"About what?" I said when we got upstairs in my room.

"Um, so I was thinking, and... Are you really interested in this guy?"

Why would he care? I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What? Niall?"

He looks at me, "Oh, so that's his name?" He says in a cocky tone.

"Yeah it is. What's up with you?" I ask, he was acting cold, I didn't like it.

"Bridgette, you're leaving again. And I just felt the need to tell you this, he's not worth it, I don't even know him, but I can just tell. He doesn't deserve you."

Were those words really coming out of his mouth? Who was he to say all of this? I felt a rush of rage run through me. 

"Yeah, you're right, you don't know him. So stop assuming things. He's a good guy, I didn't even say anything about him and you're all of a sudden acting like he's vile." I shook my head in disapprovement.

"Look at you, Bridge! You're getting defensive over him! I never said he was vile, I just don't like him," He shrugs.

"Oh yeah, and why?" I ask, basically egging me on with my tone of voice.

"Because, maybe I like you? Did you ever take that in consideration?"

Oh, to say I was confused was an understatement. He liked me? Like that?

"What do you mean? Like?"

"I mean, like like, Bridge," He laughs. "I do, and I really have to do this, before you go."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion yet again for the second time that night, until he grabs my face, and connects his lips with mine, not even giving us time for our lips to linger.

I pulled apart about 3 seconds after he put his lips on mine.

"I think you should go." I said, and I felt a hint of coldness in my voice.

"But Bridge-"

"Evan, just go. I'll talk to you later, you can let yourself out. Bye."

"Fine, but remember what I said, and just know that he's not ever going to be worth your time." He shut my room door after saying that.

I sighed in confusion, what the hell just happened? My bestfriend just kissed me and told me he liked me, more than a bestfriend. He didn't even know Niall and he was making false statements about him, and that wasn't right. I don't care if he was my bestfriend, he was being rude. But when he said that I was getting defensive, well that was weird, because, well, was I getting defensive over him? I shouldn't have been if I was.

And right when I thought it couldn't get any worse and confusing, my phone buzzed, signaling a text from the one and only, Niall Horan.

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