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Jen Pov

I woke up with the feeling like as if someone was staring at me and when I opened my eyes there Chase was staring at me with the biggest smile on his face. And I said "take a picture it'll last longer" I said smirking at him and he said "hahaha real funny, what I can't look at my beautiful fiancé?" and I just turned around feeling the blood rushing up to my cheeks hiding the fact that I was blushing. But then Chase grabbed my face and he put his hand on my cheek and said "don't hide I love seeing you blush babe" and I said "oh stop being so cute" I said kissing his cheek. Then I got up and started to get ready for the day because I really wanted to go shopping for baby things that we need for our baby girl. So after I was done getting ready I went up to Chase and said "do you wanna come shopping with me for baby thing's?" and he said "of course babe, just let me get ready real quick" he said pecking my cheek. After Chase was done getting ready we both headed to the car and drove to the mall and once we got to the mall we walked into Carter's the cutest baby clothes store ever. Then we started looking around for baby clothes and while I was looking Chase came up to me and showed me a baby outfit that was all pink and I said "Chase that outfit is all pink, just because our baby is a girl doesn't mean she has to wear all pink" I said kind of yelling and he said "well I know that Jen but I like this outfit!" And I said "No Chase I don't like it so put it back now!" I know I may sound like a bitch but what can I say I'm pregnant and my hormones are eveywhere. Then once I told Chase to put the outfit back he said something that shocked me he said "fine I'll put it back so you can stop acting like a bitch" and after he said that out of no where I stared to cry and I ran off.

Chase Pov

Omg what did I do I just called my fiancé a bitch. I mean I didn't mean it but she was just being so stubborn it just came out. After I said that she ran off so I ran after her calling her name over and over but she didn't listen to me. Then I caught up to her and grabbed her waist and turned her around and when I turned her around she had tears in her eyes and her eyes where all puffy. I felt so bad for what I said so I told her "Babe I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you a Bitch I promise I didn't mean it in sorry" and she said "it's fine Chase I deserved it I was acting like one so I'm sorry" and I said "no babe you didn't deserve to be called that I'm sorry" and she said "Chase it's fine" she said smiling. And then I said "come on let's go back to the store" I said grabbing her hand. Once we got back to the store Jen picked out so many outfits and other thing's that our baby needed and then we headed home.

Jen Pov

Once we got home Chase and I carried everything upstairs well mostly Chase but I tried to help him but it's hard with a baby bump in the way. Then after that we both went downstairs and Chase left and I went to the kitchen to talk to my mom and she said "oh hey mía I made your favorite Enchiladas" and I said "Aw thanks mom love you" and she said "anything for you, so how was shopping today?" and I said "it was fun we found so many things for Isabell (a/n that's the baby's name btw) and my mom said "that's good sweetie" and I said "yeah well I better go to bed cause it's late and my feet are sore" and she said "okay honey Goodnight love you" and I said "Goodnight and love you too mom". The I headed upstairs and right when I fell in the bed my feet felt so much better and before I knew it I was sound asleep.

A/n lol short update sorry but I promise that the other one will be longer anyways thanks for 900 readers love you all!

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