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As soon as Liam stops the car, Zayn throws his door open and jumps out.
"Oh my god Zayn!" Liam laughs as he puts the car in park. "At least you waited for me to stop!" He says with a grin. He turns his car off and gets out, adjusting his black leather jacket and fixing his hair in the reflection of the Windows of his car.
He looks over his shoulder at Zayn and can't help but laugh as Zayn stands with his hand on his chest, which was heaving as if he just ran a marathon or something.
"Hey, you made it. You're safe now," Liam tells him with a grin as he starts walking toward the restaurant. Zayn shakes his head and glares angrily at the ground as he follows Liam inside.
"Liam! Liam!" Niall cals excitedly as he jumps up from a bench where he was waiting. He waves frantically, getting Liam's attention.
"Hey man!" Liam greets with a smile.
"Is this Zayn?" Niall asks curiously.
"Yes it is. Zayn, this is Niall," Liam introduces.
"Hi! Nice ta meet ya!" Niall says with a beaming smile as he holds his hand out in a friendly manner. Zayn glances down at his hand in confusion then stares up at him blankly, showing no intention of shaking of his hand.
"Alright... Not a fan of hand shakes. I get it," Niall accepts as he laughs and rests his hands in his pockets.
"Has anyone else shown up yet?" Liam wonders.
"Not yet. It's just me, mate. I'm all alooooone. Theres no one here besiiiide me," Niall sings sadly then laughs again. "But ya gotta have friends!!" He continues, linking his arm with Zayn's, pausing to give Zayn a chance to sing the next part. Zayn looks at him in horror and steps away from him with a frustrated, embarrassed sigh.
"Wow.... Tough crowd," Niall comments as he stands alone. He adjusts his small gray Brixton brood cap and laughs.
"He really doesn't want to be here right now..." Liam shares with Niall as they watch Zayn plop down on a bench and cross his arms, pouting like an angry little kid.
    "Yeah, I can tell....." Niall mutters.
    "I thought he would like it but he's so obnoxiously stubborn that he's refusing to enjoy himself," Liam adds as he crosses his arms across his chest.
     He glances past Niall when he sees Louis and Harry walk into the restaurant. He is about to say hi but Louis presses his index finger to his lips so Liam stays quiet.
     Stealthily like a ninja, Louis sneaks up behind Niall and wraps his arms around his chest, yelling loudly.
    Niall jumps and screams, frantically pushing Louis off of himself as Liam and Harry laugh at him.
    "What the 'ell was that fer, Lou!!??" Niall demands angrily "ya couldn't'a just said hi like a normal person!!" He adds.
    "Louis doesn't do 'normal'," Harry tells him as if he didn't know that already.
    "Tell me about it," Niall mutters then can't help but smile and then laugh at himself with his loud, good natured laugh.
    "But ya scared me real good, Lou," Niall admits making Louis grin proudly as Liam checks in at the front counter to wait for their table to clear up.
   "You guys gotta meet Zayn! He's great!" Niall tells Louis and Harry when Liam rejoins them. "Ay, c'mere Zaynie and meet the boys," Niall tells him, waving him over.
    "I'd rather bleed out and die....." Zayn mutters as he forces himself to stand up and walk over to where they stood waiting.
    "Real cheerful friend you got there, Liam," Louis says jokingly as he nudges Liam's arm making Him grin in amusement.

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