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"Liam, what are we gonna do today?" Zayn wonders curiously.
"Whatever you want to do," Liam offers.
"I don't wanna do anything," Zayn replies.
"Okay Then we won't do anything," Liam accepts with a shrug. "Oh, but I forgot, I do actually need to go to the store and buy some food for Watson and get some other things," Liam remembers regretfully. Zayn frowns unhappily.
"You don't have to come if you don't want to," Liam tells Zayn. "I won't make you do anything you don't want to do," he adds as he glances across the table at Zayn.
With a grin, he stands up and starts to walk away.
     "You coming?" He asks, turning back to Zayn.
     "Coming Where?" Zayn asks in confusion.
      "To take a shower," Liam answers as if Zayn should have already known that.
     "But I haven't eaten anything yet," Zayn tells him as he looks up at Liam.
    "Why not?? You've been sitting here for 20 minutes," Liam says.
     "I didn't want to;" Zayn shrugs.
      "But I thought you were starving," Liam says in confusion.
      "I am. But I'll eat in a little bit when the time is right," Zayn says. Liam just shakes his head and accepts Zayn's unexplainable strangeness with a smile.
      "Well, whether it's with me or not, you need to take a shower today cuz you're a mess," Liam tells him with a grin.
     "That's not my fault," Zayn mutters. Liam laughs but leaves Zayn alone in the kitchen.
    A few minutes later, Zayn hears a loud knock which makes him jump. He glances around the room nervously as he hears it again, trying to figure out where it came from. Suddenly, Watson barks and runs to the front of the house, scratching on the front door.
     Hesitantly, Zayn stands up and walks to the front door.
     He looks down at Watson then slowly opens the door.
     "Zayn! Fancy seein you here mate," Louis greets with a wide smile as he lets Watsons head.
      "Oh.... It's just you...." Zayn sighs and relaxes but pulls the red flannel closer across his chest. He was glad he put Liam's shirt on earlier so he wouldn't be completely naked in front of Louis. That would be terrifying.....
"Woah Zaynie, you all right there mate?" Louis asks with a joking smirk as his eyes trail down Zayn's neck, taking in all the swollen dark bruises on his bronze skin.
"Of course why wouldn't I be," Zayn replies in confusion.
    "Just wondering...... Where's Liam?" Louis asks after a laugh.
     "He's in the shower," Zayn answers
     "Oh. Why aren't you in there with him?" Louis asks with a joking grin. Zayn looks at him in confusion. he didn't know why he would need to help Liam shower.
    "Can't Liam do it on his own though? Showering isn't that hard..." Zayn states.
    "Oh Zaynie... You're too innocent," Louis grins as he walks past Zayn in to Liam's small apartment.
     "So.... What are you two up to today?" Louis wonders.
    "Liam has to buy dog food for Watson to eat," Zayn mutters.
     "Oh my... That sounds like a good time, mate," Louis comments. Zayn gives him a weird confused look.
     "I'm only jokin'! No need to worry!! I'm not that fucked up that I think buying dog food is fun!" Louis assures him with a laugh as he pats Zayn's shoulder.
     "Oh. I thought you were being serious," Zayn admits.
     "The sooner you learn this, the better: I'm almost never serious," Louis tells him with a smile.
     "So.... Are you being zerious now? Or this a joke too?" Zayn wonders curiously.
     "I think this is serious," Louis replies. "Huh. Confusing. I'm being serious about not being serious. Weird," Louis comments with a laugh.
      "Yeah," Zayn nods.
       "Hey, if you want, you can hang out with me tonight while Liam's out shopping so you won't be all alone," Louis offers.
      "Okay," Zayn shrugs.
       "Okay? You're not..... You actually want to?" Louis asks in shock.
       "Sure," Zayn shrugs again. Louis is speechless for a few seconds.
      "I wasn't.... I didn't mean..... But if you want to," Louis starts, still in surprise.
     "Okay," Zayn accepts again before walking out of the room, leaving Louis alone in surprise until Liam finally walks In To the lounge with wet hair and a towel around his waist.
     "Louis?" Liam asks in surprise.
       "Surprise," Louis says with a grin.
        "What are you doing here?" Liam asks as he shakes some of the water from his wet hair.
     "Your good friend Zayn let me in," Louis answers.
      "Because he likes me now. See, I told you I'd do it and now I've done it. He doesn't hate me any more," Louis tells Liam proudly.
      "Where is Zayn?" Liam asks as he looks around the room for Zayn.
      "Honestly I have no clue... He kinda just wandered away...." Louis admits.
       "Yeah he does that a lot," Liam mutters.    
        "But speaking of Zayn... I've noticed you've been getting pretty comfortable with your room mate, huh?" Louis says  with a smirk.
     "What do you mean?" Liam asks as he glances up at Louis.
      "I saw all those nasty bruises on him. And unless he got into another fight, I'm gonna guess you're the one who gave them to him, am I right," Louis asks.
     Liam shrugs and mumbles something.
      "And look at this... You even got some yourself," Louis grins as he examines Liam's bare chest and sees all the bruises and scratch marks.
     "So?" Liam replies carelessly with a shrug. "I was just trying to be nice and make him feel comfortable," Liam explains weakly.
     "So this is how you show good hospitality?? By fucking your house guests?" Louis laughs. Liam rolls his eyes.
     "Just admit it already! You and Zayn are a thing! You know you can't hide anything from me," Louis says proudly.
     "I guess you should know too," Liam mutters.
     "Too? Who else knows?? Who did you tell before me??" Louis demands, clearly offended.
    "I told Harry," Liam answers, rubbing his face in slight regret.
     "What??!! Why would you tell him first?? What about me? Why didn't tell me huh? That frog looking twat doesn't deserve to know anything!! I'm your best friend! You should have told me first!!" Louis demands hotly.
    "Lou... It's not a big deal..." Liam tells him apologetically.
     "Honestly though.... " Louis trails off with a huge grin on his face. "I ship it," Louis admits with a grin.
      "You ship it?" Liam laughs with a grin.
       "Oh yeah. OTP. Ziam for life," Louis tells Liam excitedly.
      "What did you just say?" Liam asks with a curiously raised eyebrow.
"Ziam!! The realest ship ever," Louis says.
"You're really that supportive of us?" Liam asks with a grin.
     "Oh yeah. And it better last....," Louis says seriously making Liam laugh.
     "How did this even happen?" Louis wonders.
      "Well... Zayn and I were friends for a little bit which was all right but I guess when things really started to change was That one night when Watson destroyed all my stuff and trashed this place and I-" Liam stops suddenly as his eyes widen in realization.
    "What? What is it?" Louis asks.
     "You!" Liam says sternly  as he looks down at Watson who stares up at Liam with wide clueless eyes. "This is all your doing!!" He states. Watson barks and sticks his tongue out, panting innocently.
     "He's just a dog li," Louis explains in confusion.
     "No... He's smarter than that," Liam declares, shaking his head. "This whole time. Everything he did was to get me and Zayn together...." Liam realizes. "Trashing my place, deliberately shredding the couch so Zayn would have to sleep with me, getting Zayn all muddy so I would have to help him shower..."
     "You gave Zayn a shower..?" Louis repeats in surprised curiosity.
     "No. I helped him and it's not what you're thinking," Liam assures him when he sees Louis's sly smirk
     "But that dog... I swear... From the beginning he knew something was going to happen between us and he did whatever he could to make sure we got to together," Liam continues.
     "Damn. When you realize a dog is the most committed to his ship," Louis offers with an amused smirk. Logan rolls his eyes and laughs.
     "I can't believe you Watson," Liam says as he rests his hands on his hips and smiles slightly.Watson barks and wags his tail, with a smile on his face, if dogs actually do have expressions.

I'm not sure why this chapter is so long because it's kinda pointless but thanks for reading:)

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