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    "Hi there. Did you miss me??" Zayn asks as he picks up his little duckling and curls up on Liam's bed.
"Mommy missed you too zo much. I'm never leaving you again!!," Zayn continues as he kisses the ducks head a few times. Liam stops what he's doing and looks back at Zayn with a very confused look.
"Did you just call yourself mommy...?" He asks worriedly.
"I'm her mum. I zaved  her and I'm raising her and I love her like a mother," Zayn explains seriously. Liam laughs and shakes his head.
"All right then...." He trails off. "Hey, are you taking a shower first or am I?" Liam asks.
"I can!" Zayn suggests excitedly.
"Woah... I didn't know you liked showers that much," Liam laughs.
"Oh they're zooo nice," Zayn tells him.
"Like your own personal waterfall," Liam points out as he closes the drawer.
"Yeah," Zayn realizes with a happy smile.
"Well, While you clean off, I'll take Watson out side. Come get us when you're done, okay? And leave you rest clothes in the sink!" Liam says as he leaves the room to find Watson.
     As Liam sits on the steps outside putting his shoes on, He hears singing coming from inside. He glances at Watson curiously.
    "That can't be Zayn can it?" He wonders curiously.
    Back inside, Zayn dumps all his new clothes out onto the bed and searches through the pile, but none of them seemed interesting to him.
He wanted to wear Liam's clothes again.
Leaving Louis's old clothes in a forgotten heap, Zayn turns and opens one of the dresser drawers to search through. He finally picks out a light gray t-shirt that had a thin tear in the collar. It looked way to big for Zayn, but it smelled like Liam and was soft so Zayn liked it.
When Zayn finishes his shower, he walks outside to tell Liam. He sees him out in the field across the street, throwing a toy for Watson to chase and bring back to him.
Liam notices Zayn and walks over to him.
"Hey," he greets then notices Zayn's attire. "Where did you find that?" Liam asks curiously. "Wait Is that my shirt?" Liam wonders.
Zayn nods guiltily, staring at the steps. He hoped Liam wouldn't yell at him and be mad.
But Liam just laughs.
"What about Louis's clothes that he gave you?" He reminds Zayn.
"I don't want em," Zayn tells him.
"So, you'd rather wear my clothes?" Liam asks in surprise. Zayn nods.
"I'm done with my zhower too," Zayn tells him.
"Okay. We were just about to come inside any way," Liam says as he and Watson walk up the stairs into the apartment.
He notices Zayn looking down at his guitar.
"Would you like me to play it for you?" Liam asks. Zayn looks up at him and nods.
"I'm just glad Watson didn't destroy it when he totally trashed the place," Liam shares as he picks up his guitar and sits down cross legged on the floor. Curiously, Zayn sits on the wooden stool and wonders what Liam was going to do.
He watches in fascination as Liam starts strumming the strings, a beautiful sound coming from the instrument. Liam plays for a couple minutes then stops, looking up to Zayn.
"I think I heard you singing earlier. Would you want to do it again for me?" Liam asks hopefully.
"Okay. But I don't know any zongs..." Zayn admits quietly.
"That's alright. How bout we sing One of my favorite songs, Fireproof. It's very simple and the words are easy to remember. Here, I'll sing first so you can hear it then just sing after me okay?" Liam suggests as he strums his guitar a few chords then starts singing. Zayn sits, smiling happily, listening to Liam sing a cute love song while playing his guitar. It sounded absolutely beautiful to his ears.
     "Zaynie..." Liam says, snapping Zayn out of his thoughts.
    "Yeah?" Zayn asks cluelessly.
      "You missed your part, mate," Liam tells him with a laugh.
      "Oh, I'm sorry..." Zayn apologizes quietly, staring down at his hands.
     "Here, I'll play my part again then you come in singing what I sang alright?" Liam says. Zayn nods then Liam starts playing his guitar again and re-sings his verse and  chorus and plays the chorus again for Zayn to sing.
    "And you come in.... Right.... Here!" Liam tells him as Zayn starts to sing the same part Liam sang, only he sings it WAY better.
    Liam is speechless and amazed at Zayn's voice. It was so strong and unique and just beautiful. He sounded so confident even though he was nervous. And he could rift like an angel and he even threw in a high note there, which made Liam's stomach tie in knots.
    "Zayn, your voice is so beautiful," Liam admits in awe, making Zayn blush and shrug.
    "Yours is too. But It's better," Zayn replies, complimenting Liam to take the focus off of himself. But he truly meant it though. Hearing Liam sing made him feel so happy.
    "Well... I should probably take my shower now," Liam says as he sets his guitar down and stands up.
   "You won't be too lonely, will you?" He asks as he looks down at Zayn.
    "I got Watson," Zayn assures him with a shrug.
     "Alright then. You'll be fine," Liam smiles. "Well... I'll see in a little bit," Liam says as he leaves the room.

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