Chapter 1

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Kierstynn's POV


My alarm sounded in my eardrums. I groaned and rolled over on my opposite side covering my entire body with my blanket as if the alarm would acknowledge what I was doing and stop. It didn't. I groaned again and opened my eyes sluggishly and slid my finger across my phone screen ceasing the sound. I looked through my doorway as I saw my mom in the kitchen at the stove. That's when I smelled

"Food!" I yelled throwing the covers off my body as they tangled up my legs. My mind was focused on the food so much I didn't realize my body was collapsing to the floor. My head banged against the metal bar on the side of my bed and I winced in pain.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath as I rubbed the affected area. I got back up and walked to the bathroom before anything. Looking in the mirror at my messy red hair that was down to my waist and my freckle covered nose. After looking into my own green eyes i walked to the kitchen as the smell of sausage, bacon, eggs, gravy, and biscuits filled my lungs.

"Smells good." I said.

"Woke up just in time. It's done." My mom said tapping her wooden spoon on the gravy bowl one last time.

"You haven't been doing anything this summer Kierstynn." My mom lectured. I rolled my eyes.

"Not my fault, I don't have any friends anymore and you're always working."

"Well sorry for having 2 jobs and just trying to get by."

"Maybe you could ask Nicola for money?"

"Ha okay want me to get on my hands and knees too? I earn my living and I don't need anyone help doing so."

"Just saying." I said walking to the living room where I sat down and inhaled my food.

"That reminds me though, Tom is coming in tomorrow and is staying for a month. He said something about visiting his lifelong best friends before shooting his new movie."

I choked out a piece of sausage as it flew across the room and I clutched my chest.

"What?!" I said. I was just joking about asking his mom for money and now this happens. "Why god?" I say out loud.

"I thought you liked Tom?"

"Mom, I do. That's the problem." I have had a crush on him ever since we were little. He's like 4 years older than me so of course I'd be in love with him. But then his fame started to take off and I realized I was like in love with this guy.

"How long has it been?" I asked.

"Awhile. He's 19 now."

I choked my milk out onto the floor as my mom raised her hands and stomped to the kitchen to get paper towels.

"What is wrong with you?" She said throwing the paper towels at me. I cleaned up my mess and still was gasping for air.

"He's 19? What the heck." I yelled.

"I'll be right back." I said getting up.

"But you haven't even finished your food."

"Oh." I gobbled down all the pieces of food I could see on the plate and disposed of it. I ran to my bedroom and grabbed my phone going to Google.

Tom Holland 2016

I pressed enter and my heart raced as the two rings went round and round until multiple searches popped up. I clicked images and waited for the mystery to be solved. The page loaded and I fell off my bed.

"Holy shit how did he get hotter?"

"Seriously Kierstynn if you act like this when Tom gets here he's gonna think you're a weirdo." My mom said barging into my room.

"Mom! I could have been naked!"

"With your door completely open. Ok." She exited my room and I had time to breath.

"By the way I told your sister to come in so we could all be here and visit. So she'll be here tomorrow too." I rolled me eyes at my mother's words.

I love my sister but her and Tom have always been closer than me and him. She's only a year younger than him so I guess it's because they're closer in age. Although I've always felt insecure compared to my sister. Every guy thinks she's hotter than hell itself. She's super skinny so her body is basically perfect. Now that Tom is 19 and she's 18 I know that I probably won't even get noticed. I crawled into my bed and layed there with depression oozing off of me.

"What are you doing?" My mom exclaimed as she walked towards the bathroom noticing me.

"Going to bed."

"Kierstynn it's 11:28 in the morning."

"And I'm going to bed." I rolled over and my phone lit up as I accidentally hit the home button. I unlocked it and went on youtube.

Tom Holland interview

I pressed enter and the first video that popped up had the most beautiful thumbnail. He was laughing and it was utterly the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I smiled and started watching it.

After that it took me to another, and another, and another. Many interviews were about his movies "The Impossible." And "In the heart of the sea." I went to my favorite illegal movie website and searched up the movies. I clicked play and my eyes lit up as I saw Tom's name appear on the cast introduction.


I closed the website with a smile on my face. All of our memories from when we were little started to pour through my brain. I missed him, I haven't seen him in almost 5 years I remember the last time I saw him. I was only 10, he was 14 and he was telling me about his leaving. He had started acting a long time ago and he was very very good. It took him about 2 and a half years to get on the stage show billy Elliott. When he told me he was leaving soon I kept thinking he was pranking me. Until the day he actually left. My heart broke. My best friend left me and there was nothing I could do about it. We talk now and then and comment on things we share but I guess now he's a big star he doesn't really have time. And if he does we'll allegedly be dating the next day.

I checked the time

3:38 am

"Shit." I said locking my phone and putting in on charge laying it on my dresser. I rolled over and fell asleep.

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