Chapter 2

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"Is she ever going to get up?" Naomi's voice faded through my ears.

"I've tried to get her up 4 times already." My mom's voice echoed.

"But tom is gonna be here in an hour and she looks like a troll."

My eyes flung open and I threw the cover off my body. I pushed past my mom and sister into the bathroom and jumped in the shower. That lasted about 20 minutes, I took 10 minutes to do my hair, 10 minutes for makeup, and 20 minutes to FIND and put on my clothes. Which was a black fall out boy shirt with tight blue jeans and my purple converses. I looked into the mirror one last time and smiled. I heard Naomi and my mom talking and another voice. I peeked open my door and saw, in the living room, a bag with a hand on it. I opened the door and walked slowly through the hallway. I heard a very familiar laugh. A boys laugh and I knew who it was. I walked around the corner of the hallway and saw Tom standing there talking to my mom and Naomi. I backed up quickly and slammed my back against the wall.

"Shit." I thought in my head.

"What the-" My mom said.

I looked around and saw the place where we keep our shoes and just fell to my knees as everyone approached. Including Tom.

"Kierstynn what are you doing?" My mom said as everyone crowded around me. Naomi started laughing which caused Tom to let out a small chuckle. My face lit up red.

"I was just uh- looking for my shoes."

"But you're wearing shoes."

"Well sorry I'm not a genius mother." I said getting up. I looked at Tom who was so incredibly beautiful I couldn't hold myself together.

"Hey." He finally spoke up. My face lit up and I smiled.

"Hey." I said looking to the floor.

"Give me a hug." He said approaching me with his arms wide open. I obliged and before I realized his body was pressed against mine. The smell of him engulfed my nose and my eyes closed. Everything around me disappeared, all I felt was his arms wrapped around me. And then they weren't. I opened my eyes and he was already apart from me. Something inside of me wanted to just grab him and embrace everything about him. But I couldn't.

"So, how long are you staying here?' Naomi said.

"A month. I needed a break from shooting and I thought the best thing to do was come and visit the people who always made me forget everything besides having fun." Naomi smiled and twirled her hair and he smiled back.


"But you haven't seen us in so long we were beginning to think you forgot about us." My mom said pushing his shoulder.

"Forget you guys, please that could never happen." He looked at me and I smiled. Of course it was just a glance but to me he really actually finally looked at me.

"To be honest I've been really stressed out about filming and all that stuff. You guys were the first things to pop into my head. Everytime I was with you everything else just kind of disappeared and it was just us having fun." I could listen to him talk all day. His voice started to fade out and all I saw was him. How his hair layed a top his head so perfectly and messy. That little mole or freckle or whatever it is right on the side of his nose. His eyes being the most beautiful brown, and his body. Don't even get me started on his body, it's slim although he works out which I haven't seen him shirtless yet, but oh god when I do. He is just overall perfect.

"Kierstynn!" My mom yelled. Everything came back and everyone was standing there awkward including me.

"Uh, what?" I said dumbfounded. Tom smiled and let out a small chuckle. It was so adorable.

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