Day Three | Blink Blink

207 4 17

Song: The Scavenger

Again, a great fit.


a h s o k a t a n o

"G'morning," I yawned.

Sabine replied a very excited "You too" and ran to Ezra's datapad. She seems really excited.

The Force let me know Hera was behind me, and I turned around to meet her.

Hera's eyes were glazed. As is she was distracted, she asked me,"Have you ever loved someone so much but knew you couldn't love them?"

Startled, I blinked twice. Blink blink. "Yes. Yes I have."

Surprised, Hera turned her eyes onto me. "Who?"

I blushed, even though my already - orange face happily concealed it. A bit. "I loved a man who used to be a Separatist back in the Clone Wars. He was kind, sweet, beautiful. Later on, he turned to the Republic and we met more often. However, I was bound to the Jedi Order and the Code, and I knew I could not love." My voice broke here. "I had to say goodbye to him."

Hera smiled. "You are older than me, and wiser. But I can tell you a thing or two. You can always go and change the future for the better. You just have to be determined it will work."

I glared suddenly at Hera. I knew I wasn't being reasonable, but I couldn't leave it out. "I was determined to turn my Master back to the light. He was my big brother. But even after determination, I failed. I did it, but the future didn't change, Hera. Sometimes, you can't change the future for the better."

Hera looked taken aback. "I - uhh..."

Trying to squish the anger into a little ball again, I stormed to the central room of the Ghost.

k a n a n

"We have a pretty stuffed schedule today, people, so we need to hurry," I told the crew.

Ventress asked, "What's on our schedule?"

I easily recited, "We need to go on a supply run, get fuel, go to the black market and find some new ammo, and pick up Kallus from his post." I looked at Zeb. "I still don't trust the guy."

Zeb grunted. "I don't trust him. I just know he'll do what's best."

Sabine cut in. "So we have a tight schedule, got it. So let's wipe out the entry and we'll start! All good?"

I blinked twice. Sabine wasn't normally this excited.

Logging in and opening up the datapad, Sabine read out our second entry.


Dear Datapad,

It's Ezra again. Ok, today was CRAZY.

It all started when I went to the black market to buy a lock pick. I felt like I would need it soon. I went up to the salesperson and asked for the lock pick. Then a Kuu'taar just confiscated the pick and I told him I bought it, fair and square. He told me to piss off.

I kept negotiating. I didn't steal it, it was an object that was for sale that the Empire allowed (the picks weren't compatible with Imperial locks) and a bunch more stuff. Then the Kuu'taar hit me in the face.

I winced from the pain. It hurt, so bad. Worse than it was supposed to. I touched my face and felt blood. I blinked twice to clear my eyes. Looking up at the Kuu'taar, I saw little claw-stuff on the back of his gloves, soaked with blood.

The Kuu'taar knelt down in front of me. With a sly smirk, he sneered, "Did wittle Ezzy want the picky-wicky? Well, he's got to fwight the big boys!"

And he punched my face again.

I felt like fainting. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Barriss signal wait for it. So I did.

Just when the Kuu'taar tried to punch me again, Barriss aimed and stunned the boy.

I snuck away before anyone got my attention.

Barriss is weird sometimes. She talks about my well-being and suddenly about serving her master by saving her bones or something. I dunno.

Don't leak this on the Holonet, Datapad, but I think someone is mind controlling Barriss and she's fighting it.

Thanks for listening,

Ezra Bridger


"BARRISS!" Ahsoka and I both concluded.

Everyone blinked at us.

I started. "Barriss set off the Temple bombing because she was hypnotized - "

"But she went into jail willingly because she's fighting it!" Ahsoka finished.

"But why the 'saving her bones' part?" I asked.

Ahsoka smirked, a sure sign she knew what she was talking about. "Master Unduli's bones. Mirilian bones can clone kyber crystals if you use the Force in the correct way. And everytime someone tries it, there's always been disasters. But Ezra...he's strong in the force and he received his cyber crystal early. If anyone can clone it, it's him...or Anakin."

Anakin... The name shivered through me. "He's Vader, right?"



WHOO TWO UPDATES IN A DAY!!! Well, written in a day, published sometime later.


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