Day Four | Another Story

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"I still can't believe Barriss took Ezra," I murmur to Hera. "We both know how to go on after someone dies." Hera nodded.
I looked to the other side of the cabin. Sabine and Zeb were arguing about who would read the next entry. I whispered to Chopper, "Can you bring me the datapad, Chop?" Chopper, with a little evil sounding waaaoo, took off towards the fighting Mandalorian and Lasat.
I cross my arms and watched as Chopper pinched Sabine hard on the leg and knocked Zeb on top of her. He picked up the datapad, warbled a very proud snort, and wheeled over to me. "Thank you, oh most kind sir," I reply, and take the pad. Zeb muttered something along the lines of "stupid droid" and helped Sabine up.
   Hera stood up. "Since you two can't decide on who chooses what, I think it's best Ahsoka reads." The two groaned.
I smile, and open the file.
Dear Journal,
   Today, Barriss took me to meet her old friend, Asajj Ventress. When I asked why she was visiting her friend, she replied that she needed to return something of hers.
   Asajj lived in the outskirts of Lothal. She made her home in a small cove in one of the pillars. When she saw Barriss, she stood up with a disgruntled look. She asked Barriss for her lightsabers, and I watched in fascination as I saw Barriss take out two slightly curved and smooth hilts from her belt and give it to the Dathomirian. Asajj picked up her own circular lightsaber hilt and gave it to Barriss.
   Then we left.
   Why would two old friends be so unfriendly? Then I realized. "Old Friend" in this case was an old enemy.
   Tomorrow I'm going to ask Barriss about her past.
Thanks for listening,

   I slammed my hand down on the holotable. "I know where we need to go."
   "Lothal?" Kanan asked dubiously.
   I smirked with a snort. "Unlike Barriss, I'm real friends with Ventress. Sort of. She helped me out once and I've stayed in contact. I can find her."
   Hera nodded. "You better. I'm not losing our to-be Jedi."

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