Dear Daniel- June 18

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dear daniel lee kyre;
it has officially been nine months without your bright smile and beautiful blue irises. time has flown by without you. on this very date; heaven gained another beautiful, bubbly angel. I hope youre feeling better than you did on this cruel world. we miss you so much here, we understand and realize you are gone. but when we wake up, and go to youtube or instagram or twitter, we look for your name to have posted. we long to see your beautiful smile yet again. we long to hear your dorky laugh, we long to meet you and hold you on tour. we long for another Cyndago video, we wait for Mark to introduce you again. We wait for Melissa to post photos with you. We will wait, forever. You saved so many people from the darkness, without even considering yourself. Tears are falling now, jesus christ.
On September first we will fear the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th. We will fear for your family, from your blood to your bond. We will fear everyday, that we could lose Matt or Ryan. We fear that we will one day wake up and have no Markiplier, Kids With Problems, or Ryan Magee, we fear to have no Kyre family left. I will continue to say 'we' to hide the fact these are all my fears.
From your first cover on YouTube at age thirteen, to your last video on YouTube, ever, were you dyed your hair for charity. The world is not the same, and never will be. Danny, you deserved the best, and you received this world. You deserved all of the happiness and sunshine ever. You didn't deserve the crippling anxiety and depression you received. You didn't deserved to be attacked for the way you and your 'brother' acted in skits. You didn't deserved to be attacked for your looks, or your outfits, or the things that made you happy. You didn't deserve the short life you had. But you did deserve all the memories you made along the way, winning a film award for 'The Afterlife' and so much more. We will never see the final Cyndago video you, Ryan, and Matt filmed. We will never see another cyndago video. We will never see a new 'Daniel Kyre covers' or 'Daniel Kyre EP' we will never see the music video or 'In Your Blood' or 'What If I'm Right?' But we will continue to love and honor you. We will continue to comment how we miss you on your instagram hoping one day you will see. It's been nine months since you took your permanent vacation from reality. My beautiful, strong, and courageous, hero. Rest easy Daniel Lee Kyre. Rest easy, for us.
We love you, and you are now playing guitar in a better place.

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