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sup so maffffoo tagged me to say 15 lame facts abt myself

1. my music taste varies from pirate metal to pop punk to meghan trainor to il divo soooo if there's smth you'd like me to check out send me a message (no 1d or 5sos or 5h i dont give a shit about them)

2. i hate ariana grande so much

3. im 5'1"/ 155 m

4. i get easily obsessed with music or games

5. i get envyous/jealous easily

6. i really love science

7. i can cook

8. i love the galaxy

9. i am not obsessed with sans. who is feeding you these lies? whO IS fEeDIng yOu tHeSE LiES?!

10. i am a slut for guys who can dance like a bauws

11. im  bipolar i get rly mad easily and my moodswings are bad af sometimes

12. i cant throw up. thats rly weird, but i cant puke

13. i have a deathly fear of rejection, being alone and public bathrooms

14. eeeeeeeejjjuu <- my cat typed that

15. i'm rather good at designing tshirts

^^^^ that was 182 words not kidding

so yeah now i have to tag ppl so


is that 15? no. do i care? no.

so yeah anyone else who wants to do this go ahead man

geeettttttt dunked on!!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن