question tag thingy

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i was tagged by my lovely boyfren/d8m8 @-kissingtobeclever but i cant tag him for some reason rn

1. what phone do u have
samsung galaxy s2 mini

2. do u ship frerard
lowkey but yeah i do i used to ship it a lot

3. wht ship do u read the most
joshler yes pls

4. who was ur earliest role model
my sister

5. who is ur biggest role model to date be completely honest with you i really dont know
what if i say sans will ppl hate me

6. whats the time
its currently 1:01 pm

7. what country do you live
in the netherlands

8. do u have an ao3
YES i do. i made it right before i went of vacation so heh fight me @alex and @-kissingtobeclever

9. are u hyped for the new alice in wonderland or nah
eh idk i never really thought abt it but i AM hyped for suicide squad

10. if u could choose one superpower what would it be
telekinesis so i can be like MOOOOVE BITCH

11. is ur grammar good
depends on what language im speaking my english is pretty good but my dutch sucks

12. do u paint your nails
hHAAHhahHAHhahhahahah what nails

13. first song that comes to mind)
borderline - töve styrke (thanks ari

i tag cynicalspace ASprinkleOfPunk im tagging @-kissingtobeclever again and whoever else wants to do this shit
my questions are:
what shoe size do u have
whats ur birthday
how do you take ur coffee
do u like cereal
whats your fav book
can you do any tricks with your body
do you like camping or do you prefer hotels
if u had one bullet and you had to kill who would be the victim
whats ur fav animal
whats ur fav font

see ya

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