"dancing? you?"

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i spoke about this in my last rantbook, and you can ask KimHorsiesAndJalex or maybe @-kissingtobeclever (why the fuck cant i taG u), but i'm really passionate about dancing.

me and my parents watched the movie 'step up' this evening, and i told them that this (tyler gage's style) style is something i wanted to do. my dad has seen me dancing before, so he told me that with the ambition i had and the skill, he thought i should take classes to improve myself.

to which my mom responded:
"but you hate classes(besides school ofc)! you got off ballet(fight me i did ballet for 7 years) because you didn't like teamsports! you never wanted to play soccer or tennis! dancing? you?"

and i said, "i don't want to do sports because of my anxiety." but of course she didn't understand, because she doesn't experience anxiety herself(thats what she told me).

then she asked me why i wanted to dance.

and boy howdy, here we go.

i told her i didn't want to tell her because i would start to cry, and i hate crying in front of people. "so dancing is that important to you, isnt it?" my dad asked me. yup, i cried.

i want to dance because it makes me feel free. of course, i think we all know how to swing them hips like no tomorrow, but i really want to be able to control break/streetdance. thats a style i really like. i want to be able to have funny dance-off with friends(i stg i'll get u rekt w/ just dance fite me) and when i go to clubs, i would love it if i could show off just a little bit. i want to be able to preform and dance at the same time, seeing as i want to become an artist and be in a band. i want to be able to be proud of something i want to do and really take that chance. anxiety is still trying to convince me otherwise.

to get over my anxiety and take those goddamn dance classes? would be a life-changing thing for me. it's beating part of my anxiety.

is that a good reason? eh it's good enough for me bye.

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