
117 10 3

100 calls, 200 text messages
Until I decide to turn my phone off completely
I want to forgive him
god do I want to forgive him.
But I can't
I can't do this to myself
Not again
I need to be strong
No matter how much it hurts...

He's here, outside my door
He keeps knocking, he won't go away
"Please I know you're in there"

I open the door ready to say the lines I've been practicing the last few days
We're done
For good this time
I can't take it anymore.
But before I can, he says it
Those three words I've been longing to hear

I love you.

And instantly my heart melted

But maybe that's the problem
Maybe I should stop rebuilding my heart with the same flimsy material each time he breaks it.
I need a material that's not susceptible to the idea of love and promises.
Next time I'll build it with stone

I wish I would have thought of that before I let him into my apartment again and confused love with lust
as I gave myself to him.

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