Ch. 6 - Don't Wake Me Up

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AN: I added a video, just in case people don't know what "Twisted Nerve" is.It's the theme to a really old British thriller with the same name. It's also what Elle Driver is whistling in Kill Bill, and was used in season one of American Horror Story . Creepy as hell.

You wake up with a start when you hear your mobile go off. Why in the hell did you make "Twisted Nerve" your ringtone? You reach for it and grab your alarm clock instead, and you notice the time. It's four in the fucking morning! Who is texting you at four in the bloody morning?

From: Tom

Hey, what are you doing?

Well that's the last person you expected. You figured one of your mates drunk-texted you or something equally stupid. Confused and still quite put out at being awakened, you sit up in bed.

To: Tom

Sleeping! It's 4:00 in the morning, Tom!

From: Tom

Oh, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about time zones. Goodnight, darling.

He must be out of the country! That makes sense. You lie back down, and soon fall asleep again. When you wake up, there's another message waiting for you.

From: Tom

Sorry again for the rude awakening! 

He's apologizing again? How adorably unneccessary! He's always so polite - is he even human?

To: Tom

I'll forgive you this time. You were in a different time zone, so I doubt it was on purpose.

From: Tom

Of course not. It was only nine where I was. I'm back in London now, though.

To: Tom

That's good. What made you ask what I was doing out of the blue, anyway?

From: Tom

Someone asked me last night if I met anyone interesting when I gave out my number. I thought of you instantly. Don't worry, though, I didn't use your name.

Oh, thank God. You really didn't want the attention that would surely come with being associated with Tom Hiddleston. If he had gave your name, your privacy would be a thing of the past. Your name would be in every gossip magazine from here to the Moon! If you couldn't even handle your best mate knowing, you don't even want to think about how you'd feel then.

To: Tom

Thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate that!

From: Tom

Oh, I'd never throw you to the wolves like that, love! I simply told them yes. I really did instantly think of you, though. Well, then, now that you're fully awake, what are you doing?

To: Tom

Being lazy! I haven't left my bed. Good thing it's my day off!

From: Tom

Considering you were awake so early before, I don't blame you.

Now that you think about it, you should probably get up and do something. You pull the covers off of you, and instantly throw them back on. It's so cold! Why is it cold in here?

To: Tom

It's also freezing in my flat. I'm staying here where it's warm!

From: Tom

It's awfully cold outside as well. You may want to turn your heat up, I think it's supposed to stay this way for a week or two.

Aww! You aren't sure if Tom is just this kind all the time or if for some reason you're special, but you love when he says these kinds of things. It isn't even becaus it's him saying it; no one has ever been this caring towards you right from the start, aside from your parents, of course.

To: Tom

Are you like this to everyone, or am I just special?

From: Tom

Am I like what?

To: Tom

Incredibly kind and such. Is that normal?

From: Tom

I try to be. 

Beautiful, talented, intelligent, and he's a saint? Is this guy even human?

To: Tom

That's amazing.

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