Ch. 10 - I'm Not as Think as You Drunk I am...

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Saturday night again, and the only date you've got is with Tumblr. You've accepted that this was going to be another boring weekend, but then...

From: Tom

WHy are worrrms cosidered cowaRDS?

To: Tom

Tom, are you drunk?

From: Tom

CAUse theyre sppineless.

From: Tom


You laugh and shake your head. Everyone acts different when the've got a couple drinks in them, but puns?

To: Tom

You're drunk.

From: Tom

Maaaybe a little. Jus a bit.

To: Tom

How many have you had?

From: Tom

iDunno, some.

Hey, iss a bOok on voyurism a peeeping tomE?

From: Tom


From: Tom

Lik ea BOok.

You snort. These are terrible.

To: Tom

Yes, I get it. Please tell me you have a way home.

From: Tom

I do. Do meafavour. DONt be an ARcheologist. THeir careers LIe inn RUIns.

To: Tom

Oh my gods.

You laugh, picturing him giggling into his mobile while he types these. They aren't even that good, yet you're cackling away... I mean, ruins?

From: Tom


To: Tom

Yes, ruins. I got it.

You roll your eyes, even though you're the only one who can see. "He's trashed..."

From: Tom

BeaVErs re selllfish. THEy DONt givve a DAM.

To: Tom

I think you've had enough.

Several bad puns later, the texts cease. He must have found his way home and passed out or something. About one in the afternoon the next day, he calls you up. "I've just looked back at my texts," he says. "I am so sorry you had to endure all of that."

You giggle. "It's all right. It was entertaining. How are you this morning? You sound out of it."

"Terrible. I think it's safe to say I overdid it," he replies.

You smile into your mobile. "Hey, Tom, why is it bad to gossip around peppers?"

"Oh, God, please no..."

"They get jalapeño business!" you finish, and then burst out laughing.

"You're terrible." He stifles a laugh, trying to be cross with you.

"Revenge!" you cry out. "I have loads of these. Bit of advice; don't make a gymnast angry. They flip out."

"What have I done..."

"Have you ever watched a documentary on optical surgery? It's quite eye opening."

Tom groans. "Okay, I said I was sorry, cut it out, these are atrocious."

"Oh, I would gladly cut it out," you reply between fits of laughter at his expense, "but alas, I have no scissors...."

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