Chapter 2:Do You Want To Stay With Me Tonight?

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(Aly's p.o.v)i walked around my block and i spot Damon's car and i was wondering why it was there Damon should be at the hotel and i looked threw the back window and Damon was sleeping in the car and i remembered what he said"i'm behind on the rent..."his voice said in my head and i was about to wake him up and tell him to come in my house right now but i didn't...because i know Damon...he doesn't want to be a bother to he will say no and so i went home and i looked at the house phone and i grabbed it and called him"come on Damon Pick up..."i whispered and he picked up"hello?"he said sleepy"hey Damon...want to come over to my place"i said and he yawn"yeah sure umm...i'll go get kinda woke me up"he said and laughed"sorry sweetie...i thought you were up"i said being really nice to him"sweetie?"he said"sorry..."i said'well i'll come in a few...stay amazing and i'll be there before you know it"he said and i smiled"okay love"i said and he laughed a little because i was saying all these lovey dovey things"sorry again"i said"it fine...see you soon"he said and i smiled"okay...see you"i said and i quickly find food he can eat...but i didn't have any vegan/gluten free i went in my purse and grabbed it and ran to the grocery store and searched quickly for food he can eat and i found he fave drink Razzelbarry Peace Tea  and i checked it out and i brought it home and put it away i was out of breath so i grabbed a cup and drank some of my Diet Soda and then he run the bell downstairs and i pressed the buzzer to let him in and i waited out my door and it was him and i smiled and hugged him'why so out of breath?"he said and i smiled"oh well...i was doing some things"i said"okay..."he said a little weird out"not like that"i said and he smiled and kissed my cheek"i know..."he said and went inside and i locked the door behind us and i brought him to my room and he smiled and i gave him the lap top"here"i said"i'll go on later...right now i want to hang with you"he said"yeah...okay cool...umm want to watch Netflix"i asked"sure.."he said and smiled and i got it set up and me and him watched some Netflix until we ran out of movies we both like to watch and so i grabbed his hand and he looked at me and blushed"Damon you know how i feel for you"i said"yes...and i love that you love me"he said and i hugged him and he hugged back"if anything hurt you i swear i'll do whatever it takes to make you happy"i said and his cheek brushed against mine(Damon's p.o.v)Aly has been lovey dovey it coming out because i said i was in a rut but not in the big rut i am right now?....i held her close and cried in her arms...i can't let her clueless on how bad i  was in this rut and i laid down with her still holding me close"i'm homeless Aly"i cried and she looked at me"i know"she said as a tear fell from her eye"i walked this morning and i saw you sleeping in your car...Damon you know my door is open for can stay the night or any other nights..."she said and i bury my face in her pillow"i don't want to be a burden on you or any of my friends...even my mom...i didn't go to Florida because i feel so embarrassed...i just thought i can deal...with my fate"i said"are you kidding me?!...Damon you can die out there...especially in this part of the Bronx...and you have no food,no warmth...i rather you stay here with me and be warm and fed then in your car alone cold and starving....i don't want you to die Damon"she said and cried on me and she couldn't stop"i need you"she cried and i looked at her crying and i held her close and i nodded my head'then i'll stay..."i said and she lifted her head and looked at me and she kissed my lips out of nowhere and i was surprised and she stopped and she got up and she looked at her'i'm sorry...i didn't mean to kiss you with out your permission"she said and went to the kitchen and i touched my lips and blushed and i went to her and she was pulling out food"chick'n?"i said and she smiled"yeah i went and bout vegan food as soon as i found out you were in your car sleeping...i knew you have a special i went out and found stuff you can eat gluten free and vegan friendly"she said pointing to what it set and i smiled"i also got you this"she said and i smiled and she gave me my Razzleberry Peace Tea and i smiled and i opened it and drank it right away and she smiled"there's more...they are kinda warm since i just bought them"she said and i looked at her as she warmed up the fake chicken patties for us to eat and i looked at her"you don't have to eat what i eat"i said"why not...i don't me it taste the i eat anything"she said and i smiled and she hugged me and i hugged her back'i never want to loose you Damon"she said and i smiled...she really cares for me...why does this surprises me?...."you should get your stuff from the car and put them in my room...since your living here until your back on your feet....or you don't have to ever go...i wouldn't mind"she said and i smiled"okay"i said and she smiled and i grabbed my car keys and i went to get the stuff and i smiled"she's amazing for this...even if she is having problems herself she still wants me to stay with her...well i'm gonna help if i'm gonna stay...i can't let her do this alone...i grabbed my stuff and went back upstairs and she was finished cooking and i smiled and she poured the can of Peace Tea in a cup and put ice in it and i smiled and she and i ate i was starving...she even made me two more after and then i was full and she fixed her bed and threw her big stuff dog to the curb and i looked at her and she smiled"i know its a tight fit since it's a twin sized bed and all but i'll call my mom and she can get me a full size bed real quick..."she said and smiled and i looked at her"it's fine...we can work it out...even if we have to spoon each other"i said and blushed and she smiled and blushed a lot...'can i use your shower?"i asked"you don't have to's yours too"she said and i smiled and she laid down and i went in my suitcase and grabbed my pjs and brush and deodorant and my tooth brush and i went in the bathroom and i took a's been a few days since i could take a shower so i'm gonna really enjoy the hot water and i got naked and went in the shower and i let the hot water poor on me and i  bit my lip it felt nice to be under a shower..after i came out and Aly was already asleep and i smiled and i closed off the lights and i crawled into bed with her and held her close and i smiled and i like this...i like not being alone in's nice to have her near...have her here...i closed my eyes and fell asleep......

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